Deco BE85
НовBE19000 Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
- 12-Stream 19 Gbps Tri-Band WiFi – 11520 Mbps (6 GHz) + 5760 Mbps (5 GHz) + 1376 Mbps (2.4 GHz).†
- Unprecedented 10 Gbps Network – 1× 10 Gbps Ethernet/Fiber Combo WAN/LAN port + 1× 10 Gbps WAN/LAN port + 2× 2.5 Gbps ports ensure max flexibility and boosted throughput.§
- Wireless and Wired Combined Backhaul – Connects a wireless and wired backhaul with each unit simultaneously to improve overall throughput and reduce latency.
- Multi-Link Operation (MLO) – Simultaneously send and receive data across different bands and channels to increase throughput, reduce latency, and improve reliability.△
- 320 MHz Channels – Double the bandwidth and enables many more simultaneous transmissions at the fastest possible speeds.△
- Works on the 6 GHz Band – Minimizes congestion with greenfield spectrum, delivering robust high-speed connections.△
- TP-Link HomeShield – Provides comprehensive network protection, robust parental controls, and real-time IoT security.*
- Universal Compatibility – Backward compatible with all WiFi generations and works with any internet service provider (ISP) and modem.☆
Tri-Band WiFi 7 Speeds up to
19 Gbps
Seamless AI Roaming
TP-Link HomeShield
Multi-Link Operation
A True Whole Home
Mesh WiFi
Connect Over
Fiber and Ethernet
Up to
320 MHz
WiFi 7, WiFi Like Never Before
WiFi 7 offers accelerated throughput, lower latency, stronger anti-jamming, and higher efficiency. Join the league of pros and experience the sheer performance of the next generation of WiFi.
Wi-Fi 6
Wi-Fi 5
3.6× Faster WiFi
than WiFi 6E Mesh※
4× Lower Latency
For Smooth Video and Gaming※※
Higher Capacity
Connects over 200 Devices†
High-End, Powerful, Exquisite
Blazing-Fast WiFi for Top Performance
Experience a high-end Tri-Band Whole Home WiFi 7 Mesh system with blazing-fast WiFi speeds up to 19 Gbps.† Now, every device in your home network will run at top performance. The exclusive 6 GHz band provides exceptional bandwidth and congestion-free channels exclusive to your devices.‡
6 GHz
11530 Mbps
5 GHz
5765 Mbps
2.4 GHz
1376 Mbps
19 Gbps
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Floors | 5 Bedrooms
Tested with 4x4 MLO-compatible clients
4,600 sq. ft | 2 Floors | 5 Bedrooms
Tested with 4x4 MLO-compatible clients
10 Gbps Wired Backhaul
Every room where a Deco BE85 is located receives 6-7.5 Gbps of wireless speeds, gradually decreasing with distance. Most of the tested villa clocks in at 6-6.5 Gbps. Due to a large number of walls, the edge of the home receives around 5 Gbps.
Wireless Backhaul
The 1st-floor Deco BE85 remains the same as with a wired backhaul. But due to the walls and ceiling between the two floors, the center of the other Deco BE85s receives around 3.5 Gbps with the rest of the house’s speed reaching 3-3.5 Gbps.
Outstanding 10 Gbps Wired Performance
Equipped with two 10 Gbps WAN/LAN ports — one RJ45 port and a RJ45/SFP+ combo port — Deco BE85 provides flexible support for both fiber and copper connections.§ The additional 2.5 Gbps ports and USB 3.0 port make it an ideal solution for future-proofing your home network.
2× 2.5 Gbps WAN/LAN Ports
10 Gbps WAN/LAN Ports
10 Gbps RJ45/SFP+
WAN/LAN Combo Port
Able to convert fiber data to Ethernet cable data with an SFP module
1× USB 3.0 Port
Down to the Last Detail
TP-Link’s in-house component research and thorough hardware selection ensure the quality and value of the entire Deco BE85 system. Everything comes together to form the perfect Mesh device.
Wi-Fi Coverage in All Directions
8× High-Gain Antennas
Incredible Processing Performance
Quad-Core CPU
Superior Range for Better Performance
12× High-Power FEMs
Optimal Thermal Performance Under Load
2× Internal Cooling Fans
The Ultimate Backhaul: Stronger and More Flexible
Through our self-developed technology, Deco BE85 can connect a wireless and wired backhaul with each unit simultaneously. What’s more, with the latest WiFi 7 MLO technology, the system’s wireless and wired combined backhaul aggregation flow rate is increased. This way, it greatly improves overall throughput and reduces latency, delivering broader coverage with more stable and reliable connections.
Wireless and Wired Combined Backhaul

Smart Security for Smart Living
HomeShield provides a series of built-in services that protect all your devices comprehensively with various features for when you’re at home or on the go. With HomeShield, safer internet experiences bring more happiness to your smart living.
Network Protection
Simply configure your gateway and achieve whole home network security. HomeShield examines your network by scanning and identifying potential risks, stopping them in their tracks before they harm your network.*
Parental Controls
Parental Controls protect your kids, while helping them maintain healthy digital habits. Parents can set app blocking, web filtering, YouTube restrictions, SafeSearch, and online time limits to keep kids safe while they’re having fun online.*
Maintain Protection Away from Home
KidShield App
Devices Security App
Devices remain secure everywhere with devices security app. And through KidShield, parents can monitor their kids’ locations and set geofencing. This way, kids stay digitally protected even on the go.*
VPN Clients and Server Supported
Allow devices in your home network to access remote VPN servers without needing to install VPN software on every device. You can create different VPN connection types, including OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP/IPSec VPN. Besides, Deco can run both the VPN and ordinary internet connections at the same time, delivering security and flexibility.
Private IoT Network for More Security
Set up a separate WiFi for IoT devices and overlay HomeShield and advanced WPA3 encryption** to better protect the security of your home network and IoT devices.
Seamless AI-Driven Mesh
Uninterrupted Streaming when Moving Between Rooms
Deco Mesh forms a unified network with a single network name. With built-in AI-Roaming technology, it creates the ideal WiFi solution with its advanced algorithms and self-learning. Walk through your home and enjoy seamless streaming at the fastest possible speeds.‡
Seamless Roaming with One WiFi Name
Sophisticated Algorithms
Seamless AI-Driven Mesh
Customized WiFi
Simple. Easy. Yet Powerful.
Setup and manage your network anytime and anywhere on the friendly TP-Link Deco app. In just three easy steps your entire home can be blanketed in strong and reliable WiFi.
to a modem and power on both. -
and launch the Deco app. -
by following the in-app instructions.
Easy Management
Manage your WiFi at home or away on the Deco app. See every connected device, prioritize your own, and set up a guest network.
Voice Control
Use an Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant-enabled device to control Deco BE85 with just your voice.
All Decos Work Together
Deco BE85 is compatible with every other Deco model to form a Mesh network. Expand Mesh WiFi coverage anytime by adding more Decos.
Истински непрекъснат роуминг
Модулите на Deco работят заедно, за да образуват една обединена мрежа. Вашият телефон или таблет автоматично се свързва към най-бързия Deco при вашето придвижване в дома, за наистина непрекъсната онлайн работа. Поддръжката на IEEE 802.11r както и на 802.11k/v означава, че превключването от един модул Deco на друг е толкова плавно, че е незабележимо, дори когато стриймвате.
Адаптивен избор на пътека
TP-Link Mesh технологията динамично избира най-добрия маршрут и лента за вашите данни, като гарантира бърза връзка независимо дали сте си у дома.
Ако един Deco модул има проблем, системата ще пренасочи автоматично данните към другите Deco, за да се увери, че оставате онлайн.
Wi-Fi + Powerline
Powerline връзките използват електрическата инсталация на вашия дом, за да свържат модулите, преминавайки и през най-дебелите стени и тавани.
Комбинацията powerline и безжични връзки постига до 60% по-високи скорости на мрежата, отколкото само безжичните връзки.
- Boosted speeds
- 60%
- Standard Wi-Fi System
- Hybrid Wi-Fi System
- Powerline
- Забележка:Wi-Fi + Powerline е само за Deco P7
IoT Mesh
За разлика ор традиционните интелигентни хъбове, TP-Link Mesh технологията осигурява пълно IoT покритие на дома с Wi-Fi, Bluetooth и Zigbee интегрирани в една единствена система. Наслаждавайте се на магията на вашия умен дом във всяка стая с TP-Link Mesh технологията. Кажете довиждане на безбройните хъбове.
- - - - Wi-Fi
- - - - Zigbee
- - - - Bluetooth
Deco серия
Deco BE85
BE19000 Tri-Band Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Deco BE65
BE9300 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 7 System
Deco XE200
AXE11000 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 6E System
Deco XE75
Wi-Fi 6E Mesh система Tri-Band AXE5400 с покритие за целия дом
Deco X60
Следващо поколение Wi-Fi 6 | AX3000 Whole Home Mesh Dual-Band Gigabit система
Deco X50-5G
5G AX3000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 Gateway (Availability based on regions)
Deco X50-PoE
AX3000 Whole Home Mesh WiFi 6 System with PoE
Deco X50
AX3000 Mesh Wi-Fi 6 система за целия дом
Deco X20
AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 Mesh система за целия дом
Deco S7
AC1900 Mesh Wi-Fi система за целия дом
Deco M4
AC1200 Gigabit Mesh Wi-Fi система за целия дом
Приложението TP-Link Deco е достъпно на български език
Приложението TP-Link Deco е достъпно на български език и предлага най-лесния начин за конфигуриране, управление и наблюдение на Wi-Fi Mesh Deco системата за целия дом чрез iOS или Android устройства.
Началната настройка стана много по-лесна
Разопаковайте Deco, инсталирайте приложението и просто следвайте онлайн инструкциите. Приложението Deco ще се погрижи за останалото, и ще накара вашата мрежа да бъде готова и в действие за броени минути.
Свържете Deco към вашия кабелен модем и включете и двете устройства
Изтеглете и пуснете приложението Deco
Следвайте инструкциите вприложението, за да конфигурирате вашата Deco система.
Опростено управление
С Deco управлението на вашата Wi-Fi е лесно и се извършва отвсякъде, независимо дали сте на канапето, на работа или където и да било между дома и офиса.
Опростено табло за управление
Разгледайте работното състояние на вашата мрежа, проверете свързаните устройства и се възползвайте от всички функции, които предлага вашият рутер.
Множество Deco модули, едно приложение
Приложението Deco управлява всички ваши Deco мрежи и устройства свързани към вашата Deco Wi-Fi система.
Проверете свързаните устройства
Вижте списъка на свързаните устройства с възможността да направите пауза и възобновите интернет достъпа, проверете скоростта на интернета и поставете приоритети или блокирайте определените устройства.
Отдалечено управление
Поемете дистанционнно управлението на мрежата с докосване на телефона, независимо къде се намирате.
Мощни функции за родителски контрол
С опростените, интуитивни функции на родителския контрол лесно можете да държите в безопасност децата си, когато са онлайн.
Създайте с лекота профил на всеки член на вашето семейство и поставете индивидуални лимити с определени часове и време прекарвано онлайн. Определете устройствата за всеки профил, така че правилата да важат да отделните устройства, както и за членовете на семейството.
поддържайте семейството си в безопасност онлайн с с едно докосване чрез настройките за сигурност, които блокират съдържание свързано с това доколко то е подходящо за дадена възраст.
Пиставете лимити колко време всеки член на семейството може да прекарва онлайн.
С Поглед отвътре (Insights) можете да проверявате кои сайтове посещават вашите деца и колко време прекарват във всеки от тях. Това е чудесен начин да знаете, че вашите деца са в безопасност и че се забавлявай онлайн.
TaНаправете пауза от Wi-Fi за вечеря и за времето за семейни игри. Просто докоснете един бутон, за да спрете интернет достъпа за всеки в дома.
Интуитивно приложение пълно с функции
Отчет на месечното потребление
Вижте пълен списък с подробности за вашата мрежа всеки месец, включително използване, блокирано съдържание,
заплахи за сигурността и още други.
Автоматизация на дома
Направете лесен живота си с мощна автоматизация и инструментите за гласово управление.
*В момента само за Deco M9 Plus
Гъвкави кратки пътища
Управлявайте гъвкаво всички устройства от вашия телефон или таблет само с едно докосване.
*В момента само за Deco M9 Plus
Защитете вашата мрежа
Вграденият антивирус помага да се защитите от зловредни уебсайтове и да поддържате сигурни вашите онлайн плащания.
*В момента само за Deco M9 Plus, Deco P7 и Deco M5
Поставете приоритети на вашите устройства
Изберете кои устройства да имат винаги най-бързите връзки или поставете приоритет за конкретен интервал от време.
Поставете приоритети на приложенията
Заделете повече пропускателна способност за дейностите, които са най-важни за вас, с прости контроли.
*В момента само за Deco M9 Plus, Deco P7 и Deco M5
Споделете Wi-Fi мрежата с приятели
Създайте отделни Wi-Fi профили за гостите и споделете паролата,
за да ги улесните как да бъдат онлайн.
Проверете вашата скорост
Пуснете тест на скоростта, за да гарантирате, че получавате интернет скоростите, за които плащате.
Разгледайте всяко устройство във вашата мрежа и вижте колко пропускателна способност (мрежов капацитет) използва то.
Нашата техническа поддръжка е винаги налице за вас
Имате въпроси за серия Deco? Помощта е винаги само на един клик разстояние. Можете да намерите отговори на български език на най-често задаваните въпроси в приложението Deco и да се свържете с нас винаги, когато имате нужда от помощ.
Техническа поддръжкаБЕЗЖИЧНИ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ | |
Standards and Protocols | Wi-Fi 7IEEE 802.11be/ax 6 GHzIEEE 802.11be/ax/ac/n/a 5 GHzIEEE 802.11be/ax/n/b/g 2.4 GHz |
WiFi Speeds | BE190006 GHz: 11530 Mbps (802.11be)5 GHz: 5765 Mbps (802.11be)2.4 GHz: 1376 Mbps (802.11be) |
WiFi Range | Broader Whole Home Coverage TP-Link Mesh TechnologyOptional Ethernet backhaul work together to link Deco units to provide seamless coverageAI-Driven MeshIntelligently learns the network environment to provide ideal Wi-Fi unique to your home8× High-Gain Antennas (Internal)Multiple antennas form a signal-boosting array to cover more directions and large areasTri-BandThe greenfield 6 GHz band brings more bandwidth and faster speeds |
WiFi Capacity | Very High Tri-BandDistribute devices to different bands for optimal performance4×4 MU-MIMOSimultaneously communicates with multiple MU-MIMO clientsOFDMASimultaneously communicates with multiple WiFi 7 clients12 StreamsMore than enough bandwidth for connected devices |
Working Modes | Router ModeAccess Point Mode |
Advanced Features | • Multi-Link Operation (MLO)• 320 MHz Channel• 4K-QAM• Multi-RUs• Works with Alexa and Google Assistant |
Network Security | SPI FirewallAccess ControlHomeShield Security Real-Time IoT ProtectionMalicious Site BlockerIntrusion Prevention SystemDDoS Attack PreventionHome Network Scanner |
Guest Network | 1× 6 GHz Guest Network1× 5 GHz Guest Network1× 2.4 GHz Guest Network Effective TimeBandwidth Control |
VPN Server | • OpenVPN Server• PPTP VPN Server• L2TP/IPSec VPN Server |
VPN Client | • OpenVPN Client• PPTP VPN Client• L2TP/IPSec VPN Client |
WiFi Encryption | WPA-Personal WPA2-Personal WPA3-Personal |
Ethernet Ports | • 1× 10 Gbps• 1× 10 Gbps SFP+/RJ45 Combo• 2× 2.5 Gbps*Per Deco UnitSupports WAN/LAN auto-sensing |
USB Support | 1× USB 3.0 Port FTP ServerMedia ServerSamba Server |
Бутони | 1× Reset Button1× WPS |
Advanced Features | • Reboot Schedule• Tapo/Kasa Onboarding• IoT network & Device Isolation• Static Route Function• Node/Band Connection Preference |
Protocols | IPv4 IPv6 |
Service Kits | HomeShieldLearn More> |
Parental Controls | HomeShield Parental Controls Youtube RestrictionSafeSearchCustom ProfilesProfessional Content Filter LibraryFamily TimeBedtimeOff TimeTime RewardsFamily Online Time RankingPause the InternetWeekly and Monthly Reports |
WAN Types | Dynamic IPStatic IPPPPoEPPTPL2TP |
Quality of Service | HomeShield QoS QoS by Device |
Cloud Service | OTA Firmware UpgradeTP-Link ID DDNS |
NAT Forwarding | Port Forwarding UPnP |
IPTV | IGMP ProxyIGMP SnoopingBridge Tag VLAN |
DHCP | Address ReservationDHCP Client ListServer |
DDNS | TP-Link |
Management Features | Deco App |
Dimensions (W×D×H) | 5.04 × 5.04 × 9.29 in (128 × 128 × 236 mm) |
Package Content | Deco BE85 (2-pack)2 Deco BE85 units1 RJ45 Ethernet cable2 Power adaptersQuick Installation GuideDeco BE85 (1-pack)1 Deco BE85 unit1 RJ45 Ethernet cable1 Power adapterQuick Installation Guide |
Сертификати | CE, FCC, RoHS |
Околна среда | Operating Temperature: 0°C~40°C (32 °F~104 °F)Storage Temperature: -40°C~60°C (-40 °F~140 °F)Operating Humidity: 10%~90% RHStorage Humidity: 5%~90% RH |
Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7™ and the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED 7 Logo are trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
†Maximum wireless signal rates are the physical rates derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Connection to over 200 devices is based on laboratory test data, which analyzed the connections of different devices on the 6 GHz, 5 GHz, and 2.4 GHz bands simultaneously. These devices simulated a typical home scenario by running simultaneous applications in the same room that included 4K video, 1080p video, 720p video, file downloading, web browsing, IP cameras, and other IoT devices. Actual wireless data throughput, wireless coverage, and connected devices are not guaranteed and will vary as a result of internet service provider factors, network conditions, client limitations, and environmental factors, including building materials, obstacles, volume and density of traffic, and client location.
‡Clients need to support 802.11k/v/r and may require additional setup. Performance may vary depending on the client device.
△Use of Wi-Fi 7 (802.11be), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), and features including Multi-Link Operation (MLO), 320 MHz Bandwidth, 4K-QAM, Multi-RUs, OFDMA, MU-MIMO and BSS Color requires clients to also support the corresponding features. The 320 MHz bandwidth is only available on the 6 GHz band. Simultaneously, the 160 MHz and 240 MHz bandwidths or the 320 MHz bandwidth might not be available on the 5 GHz band or the 6 GHz band, respectively, in some regions/countries due to regulatory restrictions. Double channel width and speed refer to 320 MHz compared to 160 MHz for Wi-Fi 6 mesh.
§10 Gbps and 2.5 Gbps internet speeds require compatible service plans and equipment. All WAN/LAN ports will operate as either WAN or LAN ports. Only one port can serve as a WAN port at a time.
*HomeShield includes the Free Basic Plan. Fees apply for the Pro Plan. Visit for more information. Some features are under development and will be supported with subsequent software updates.
***The test was conducted in a 4,600 sq. ft. two-story villa with 5 bedrooms with an interior made up of drywall. The Deco BE85 was tested with 4x4 MLO-compatible clients. Home networking performance may vary, depending on the network's speeds, fiber or Ethernet access, WiFi interference, obstacles, walls, areas, and clients.
☆WiFi generations represent the wireless standard IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be. Users may require an extra modem device that is compatible with their internet service provider to gain internet access.
※3.6× faster Wi-Fi speed refers to the theoretical speeds of Wi-Fi 7 clients when connected to Deco BE85 compared with a Wi-Fi 6 or Wi-Fi 6E mesh. Wi-Fi 7 clients need to support Multi-Link Operation (MLO) and the 6 GHz band to reach up to 17.3 Gbps when connected to the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands of Deco BE85 simultaneously. Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E mesh may only provide 4804 Mbps on the 5 GHz or 6 GHz bands separately.
※※4× Lower Latency refers to the latency improvement of Wi-Fi 7 mesh compared to Wi-Fi 6/6E mesh, based on laboratory test data. The test conditions had the same 5 GHz or 6 GHz single-frequency wireless interference and tested the maximum latencies of Wi-Fi 7 clients (with MLO turned on) connecting to the 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands of Deco BE85 (with MLO turned on) simultaneously and to the 5 GHz or 6 GHz bands of a Wi-Fi 6/6E mesh (without the MLO function).
Actual network speed may be limited by the rate of the product's Ethernet WAN or LAN port, the rate supported by the network cable, internet service provider factors, and other environmental conditions.
This Deco may not support all the mandatory features as ratified in IEEE 802.11be specification.
Further software upgrades for feature availability may be required.
Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC.