Stáhnout pro Deco M9 Plus
- Product Overview
Deco M9 Plus_2.0_upgrade_tool_v1.2.0_macOS |
Stáhnout | |
Datum vydání: 2021-03-25 | Jazyk: Angličtina | Velikost souboru: 30.17 MB |
Operační systém: MacOS 10.13 or above |
Firmware upgrade utility for Deco M9 Plus V2.0 |
Deco M9Plus_2.0_upgrade_tool_v1.1.1_macOS |
Stáhnout | |
Datum vydání: 2020-06-08 | Jazyk: Angličtina | Velikost souboru: 30.17 MB |
Operační systém: MacOS |
Firmwar upgrade utility for Deco M9 Plus V2.0 |
Deco M9Plus_2.0_upgrade_tool_v1.2.0_Windows |
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Datum vydání: 2020-06-08 | Jazyk: Angličtina | Velikost souboru: 29.85 MB |
Operační systém: Windows/7/8/10 |
Firmware upgrade utility for Deco M9 Plus V2.0 |
Setup Video
【Deco】How to set up a Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 5 System (Take Deco M4 as Example)
This video guides you step by step to set up a Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 5 System using Deco M4 as an example. The images may differ from actual products.
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How to Configure a Deco System with Starlink
How to Resolve Double NAT using Starlink
What to do if I fail to configure the main Deco and get stuck on “Testing Internet Connection”?
This video provides you with solutions when you fail to configure the main Deco and get stuck on the step ” Testing Internet Connection”.
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What to do if I fail to configure the satellite Deco and get stuck on “We couldn't find another Deco”?
This video provides you with solutions when you fail to configure the slave Deco and get stuck on the step ” We couldn't find another Deco”.
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What to do if I fail to configure the main Deco and get stuck on “We couldn't find Deco”?
This video provides you with solutions when you fail to configure the main Deco and get stuck on the step ” We couldn’t find Deco”.
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How to add a TP-Link smart bulb to the Deco M9 Plus network
- Why did I receive an email titled "Potential Vulnerabilities Detected in Your Account"?
- Co je TP-Link ID?
- How to share network on the Deco App
- Použití funkce QoS pro technologii Deco M5
- What can I do if the Deco app displays "We could not find Deco"?
- Co znamenají ruzné barvy LED?
- Problém s aplikací Deco
- Co mohu udělat, když je připojení k síti Deco nestabilní?
- How to find your TP-Link Router’s IP address
- How to turn on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in Deco app
- Jak nastavit Deco do režimu Access Point?
- How to log into the web-based interface of my Deco
- How many Deco units can I add to my Deco mesh network?
- Jak změnit nastavení DNS serveru u Deca?
- How to use firmware recovery if the Deco become brick
- Can Deco Mesh, OneMesh, EasyMesh and Omada Mesh products work together?
- How to manage smart devices using Deco M9 Plus
- Jak nastavit sekundární jednotku Deco jako hlavní jednotku Deco?
- General questions about the Smart Home feature in the Deco app
- What is the TP-Link Router Alexa Skill and how do I use it?
- How to select a preferred signal source on the Deco App
- How to choose right TP-Link product for your internet service
- Should I use Dynamic IP or PPPoE?
- Návod pro nastavení Deco.
- How do I set up my Deco with Singtel?
- How to use Deco Lab on your Deco
- Podporuje Deco Ehternet Backhaul?
- How to collect system log of Deco App
- Časté otázky k Deco
- Proč mé jednotky Deco ukazují, že jsou offline?
- Jaký je rozdíl mezi režimem Access Point a režimem Router na Deco?
- Announcement: IFTTT Services Ending on July 31, 2020
- How to choose the right Deco
- Proč vyžaduje TP-Link emailovou adresu?
- Jak rozšířit síť pro hosty, když je mezi jednotkami Deco switch?
- Jak nakonfigurovat Address Reservation (Rezervaci IP adresy) pomocí Deco?
- Co mám dělat, když mám pomalé připojení k síti Deco?
- Co mám dělat, když detekce / přidání další Deco jednotky selhalo?
- Nedaří se mi nastavit hlavní Deco.
- Seznamte se se svojí aplikací Deco M5
- Co mám dělat, když selže aktualizace firmwaru mého Deca?
- Jak aktualizovat firmware Deco?
- Jak nakonfigurovat funkci IPTV na Deco?
- How to Configure PPTP/L2TP VPN Connection on the Deco
- Co mám dělat, když zapomenu heslo ke svému TP-Link ID?
- Proč se nemohu zaregistrovat?
- Why port forwarding feature is not working on my Wi-Fi router or Deco?
- Jak nastavit přesměrování portu (Port Forwarding) pomocí Deco?
- How to remove a Parental Control profile on the Deco
- Co je síť pro hosty?
- Kolik jednotek Deco potřebuji? Jsou všechny stejné?
- What should I do if I failed to login Deco App?
- What can I do if the Deco app shows “Let's Begin” while Deco is working well?
- Změna nastavení vaší bezdrátové sítě pomocí vašeho Deco M5
- How to Configure MAC Clone on Deco if Deco fails to connect to the internet
- Troubleshooting for Deco upgrade Utility
- The Weak Security and Privacy Warning on the iOS14 or iOS15
- Why did I receive a new device connection alert when a known device joined the network?
- How to change the owner account on Deco APP
- How do I know which Deco my client is connected to?
- Is the Signal Source for Satellite Decos Selectable on the Deco App?
- How to delete a network on the Deco app
- How to delete an offline device on the Deco app
- How to use DDNS features on a Deco router
- How to enable the Access Control Skill in your Alexa App
- Troubleshooting Guide of DDNS function on TP-Link Wi-Fi Router, LTE Gateway Router or Deco Router
- How to connect Deco with Starlink
- Jak najdu vhodné místo pro mé Deco?
- Abnormal LED lights and bad ports on the TP-Link Deco
- Cannot connect to Deco Wi-Fi
- Proč moje satelitní jednotka Deco nedosahuje stejné rychlosti jako hlavní jednotka Deco?
- Jak QoS ovlivňuje aktuální tok dat Deca?
- Přidání dodatečné jednotky k vaší TP-Link Deco síti.
- Jak přidám novou Deco síť pomocí aplikace Deco?
- Co mám dělat, když nemohu otevřít webovou stránku skrz Deco síť?
- Co mám dělat, když mám více něž jeden model Deca
- Jak mohu resetovat nebo restartovat systém Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi?
- How to use Pi-Hole DNS Server on TP-Link routers
- How to configure the Connection Alerts feature on the Deco app
- How to find the firmware version of Deco
- How to change the name of the client on the Deco app
- How to configure your TP-Link Deco with CenturyLink’s fiber service
- How to change the device name of Deco
- What if Parental Control Doesn't Take Effect on Deco?
- How to set up an IPv6 internet connection on my Deco
- Jak zakázat SIP ALG na Deco?
- Jak povolit WPS na Decu M5?
- Jak změnit LAN IP adresu Deca M5?
- Obecné otázky k funkci Antivirus v aplikaci Deco.
- Jak odebrat zařízení z Blacklistu?
- Nastavení rodičovské kontroly na TP-Link Deco M5
- Jak přidat správcovský účet na Deco.
- Mohu v noci vypnout LED?
- Jak mám spustit test rychlosti?
- Jaké zprávy mi aplikace Deco pošle?
- How to configure the Reboot Schedule feature on the Deco
- Jaký je rozdíl mezi účtem vlastníka a účtem správce?
- Co dělat, když se nemůžete připojit k svému Deco M5 vzdáleně?
- Co je Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi Systém?
- General questions about the AI-Driven Mesh feature
- Jak mám nastavit své Deco?
- Proč je skutečná rychlost bezdrátové sítě nižší než výsledek testu rychlosti v aplikaci Deco?
- Why my clients don't roam/connect to the nearest Deco node?
- Jak mám nastavit Deco se současným modemem?
- General question about the Wi-Fi range of Deco
- How to change Time settings on the Deco
- Fail to log into the web management page of Deco
- Why is a device displayed as an unknown device on the Deco app?
- Why does Parental Control show my device has reached the time limit while it actually hasn’t?
- What should I do if Wi-Fi calling cannot work through TP-Link wireless router?
- Jak funguje tříletá bezplatná doba TP-Link HomeCare?
- How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal
- Jaké jsou rozdíly mezi různými modely Deco?
- Co mám dělat, když chci použít Deco současně se svým stávajícím routerem?
- Philips Hue Light
- Je normální, že se Deco zahřívá?
- Může se moje tiskárna připojit k síti Deco?
- Why my clients fail to connect to the Deco Wi-Fi when Fast Roaming is enabled?
- Jak mohu projít krok připojení k internetu během nastavení Deco?
- Proč ukazuje Wi-Fi síť Deco, že není možná internet k dispozici na mém mobilním zařízení, když stojím vedle jednotky Deco?
- How to add a GE Smart Switch to the Deco network?
- TP-Link Smart Bulb (Wi-Fi)
- Kwikset Smart Lock
- SmartThings Arrival Sensor
- SmartThings Water Leak Sensor
- SmartThings Outlet
- SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor
- SmartThings Motion Sensor
- Securifi Door/Window Sensor
- Smartenit Motion Sensor
- Securifi Motion Sensor
- Centralite Motion Sensor
- Centralite Plug-In Module
- GE Link Smart Bulb
- TP-Link Smart Plug/Switch
- OSRAM Smart Bulb
- Gunilamp Smart Luminaire
- BeON Bulb
- Cree LED Bulb
- Sengled Bulb
A firmware update can resolve issues that the previous firmware version may have and improve its current performance.
To Upgrade
IMPORTANT: To prevent upgrade failures, please read the following before proceeding with the upgrade process
- Please upgrade firmware from the local TP-Link official website of the purchase location for your TP-Link device, otherwise it will be against the warranty. Please click here to change site if necessary.
- Please verify the hardware version of your device for the firmware version. Wrong firmware upgrade may damage your device and void the warranty.
Jak zjisti hardwarovou verzi vašeho TP-Link zařízení? - Do NOT turn off the power during the upgrade process, as it may cause permanent damage to the product.
- To avoid wireless disconnect issue during firmware upgrade process, it's recommended to upload firmware with wired connection unless there is no LAN/Ethernet port on your TP-Link device.
- It's recommended that users stop all Internet applications on the computer, or simply disconnect Internet line from the device before the upgrade.
- Use decompression software such as WinZIP or WinRAR to extract the file you download before the upgrade.
Deco M9 Plus(EU)_V2_1.6.4 Build 20240718 |
Stáhnout | |
Datum vydání: 2024-08-22 | Jazyk: Multi-language | Velikost souboru: 21.74 MB |
New Features/Enhancements: |
Deco M9 Plus(EU)_V2_1.6.3 Build 20231225 |
Stáhnout | |
Datum vydání: 2024-01-29 | Jazyk: Multi-language | Velikost souboru: 21.68 MB |
Bug Fixes: |
Deco M9 Plus(EU)_V2_1.6.1 Build 20230403 |
Stáhnout | |
Datum vydání: 2023-05-05 | Jazyk: Multi-language | Velikost souboru: 21.57 MB |
New Features/Enhancements: Bug fixes: Notes: |
To Use Third Party Firmware In TP-Link Products
Some official firmware of TP-Link products can be replaced by the third party firmware such as DD-WRT. TP-Link is not obligated to provide any maintenance or support for it, and does not guarantee the performance and stability of third party firmware. Damage to the product as a result of using third party firmware will void the product's warranty.
Open Source Code For Programmers (GPL)
Please note: The products of TP-Link partly contain software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public Licence (“GPL“), Version 1/Version 2/Version 3 or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). You may use the respective software condition to following the GPL licence terms.
You can review, print and download the respective GPL licence terms here. You receive the GPL source codes of the respective software used in TP-Link products for direct download and further information, including a list of TP-Link software that contain GPL software code under GPL Code Center.
The respective programs are distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the respective GNU General Public License for more details.

- TP-Link Deco
The Deco app allows you to quickly and easily install and manage your Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi System.