Enjoy fast, stable Mesh WiFi with TP-Link Deco Mesh Router.
Nopea. Vakaa. Kaikkialla.
Mesh WiFi, parempi WiFi.
Deco Mesh hyödyntää WiFi-solmuja, jotka yhdessä mahdollistavat vahvemman ja luotettavamman WiFi-yhteyden koko kotiin. Näin et koskaan menetä yhteyttä siirtyessäsi huoneesta toiseen.1
Deco Mesh provides more reliable WiFi throughout your whole home.
Koe paremmat WiFi-yhteydet kuin koskaan ennen.
Oletko valmis uuteen WiFi-kokemukseen? Deco tarjoaa poikkeuksellisen nopeuden, kattavuuden ja vakauden.
Se vie kokemuksesi uudelle tasolle.
Deco valitsee laitteille automaattisesti parhaan yhteyden ja takaa näin mahdollisimman suuren nopeuden.
Deco-solmut kattavat koko kodin tehokkaalla WiFi-yhteydellä, joten laitteet ovat aina yhteydessä verkkoon laitteen muodosta tai koosta riippumatta.
Usean WiFi-solmun ansiosta Deco takaa luotettavan WiFi-yhteyden koko kotiverkon alueella.
Mesh vs. perinteiset reitittimet
Kotona liikkuessasi Mesh WiFi pitää yhteydet kunnossa eikä verkkoja tarvitse vaihdella.
Deco Mesh
Mesh-reitittimet toimivat yhdessä, joten voit liikkua vapaasti huoneesta toiseen yhdessä verkossa ja nauttia katkeamattomista WiFi-yhteyksistä. Haluatko enemmän kattavuutta? Lisää toinen Deco. Se on niin helppoa!
Perinteinen reititin ja verkkolaajennin
Verkkolaajentimet voivat laajentaa perinteisten reitittimien kattavuutta, mutta tyypillisesti niissä on hitaampi suorituskyky ja joudut vaihtamaan useiden verkkojen välillä.
Yksinkertainen. Helppo. Silti tehokas.
Määritä ja hallitse verkkoasi milloin ja missä tahansa ystävällisellä TP-Link Deco -sovelluksella.
Täydellinen turvallisuus.
Edistyksellinen WiFi-salaus ja langattomat päivitykset varmistavat, että verkko on aina turvallinen. TP-Linkin vankka HomeCare™ -tietoturva lisää uuden suojaustason perheellesi.2
Koe uusi Wi-Fi 6 -tekniikka Decon kanssa.
Wi-Fi 6 -tekniikka vie Mesh-verkon uudelle tasolle nopeampana, useammilla yhdistetyillä laitteilla ja pienemmällä viiveellä. Se takaa erinomaisen WiFi-kokemuksen.3
WiFi 6 on käytettävissä vain tietyillä malleilla.
Palkinnot ja arvostelut
Deco X90
CES Innovation Awards 2020
Coming soonDeco M9 Plus
PCMag Editor's Choice 2018
Get it nowDeco M4
Techspot Best Routers 2019
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Myydyimmät tuotteet
Muutama esimerkki erinomaisista tuotteistamme, joista voit valita.
Miksi TP-Link?
Yli 24 vuoden kokemuksella keskitymme tarjoamaan asiakkaillemme ylivoimaista arvoa ja pyrimme olemaan maailman johtava WiFi-laitteiden toimittaja.5
Ykkönen asiakastyytyväisyydessä
J.D.Power valitsi TP-Linkin asiakastyytyväisyyden ykköseksi vuosina 2017 ja 2019 yrityksen aloitteesta ja sitoutumisesta parhaan laadun tarjoamiseksi parhaaseen hintaan.6
TP-Linkin sisäinen integroitu tuotekehitys, valmistus ja tiukka laadunvalvonta takaavat parhaimmat standardit, kun taas muut tuotemerkit ulkoistavat suunnittelun ja valmistuksen OEM-valmistajille.
Maailman suurin WiFi-laitteiden toimittaja
TP-Link on suurin langattomien reitittimien toimittaja, joka palvelee satoja miljoonia ihmisiä ympäri maailmaa.5
Saumaton verkkovierailu viittaa IEEE 802.11 k/v/r -verkkoprotokollaa käyttävään WiFi-verkkovierailuun. Se auttaa laitteita löytämään ja liittymään yhdestä solmukohdasta toiseen jopa 0,3 sekunnissa. Toimiakseen laitteiden täytyy tukea 802.11 k/v/r -protokollaa ja joidenkin laiteiden kohdalla tämä saattaa vaatia lisäasetuksia. Suorituskyky vaihtelee laitekohtaisesti.
TP-Link HomeCare on saatavilla vain tietyille malleille. Paina ”Lue lisää” (”Learn more”) lukeaksesi lisätietoja HomeCare-palvelusta ja tuetuista malleista.
802.11ax Wi-Fi -teknologian mahdollistamat yhteysnopeudet perustuvat teoreettisiin lukemiin 160 megahertsin kaistalla (1201 Mbps) verrattuna 802.11ac-standardin 80 megahertsin kaistaan (433 Mbps). Nämä on dokumentoitu IEEE 802.11ax draft 3.0- ja and IEEE 802.11-2016 - standardien tiedoissa. Näiden käyttö vaatii langattomien 802.11ax-reitittimien samanlaista määrittelyä. 802.11ax Wi-Fi -standardin hyödyntäminen vaatii myös päätelaitteilta yhteensopivuutta 802.11ax Wi-Fi -standardin kanssa.
Enimmäisnopeudet perustuvat arvoihin, jotka täyttävät IEEE 802.11 -standardin vaatimukset. Todellista langatonta nopeutta, langattoman verkon peittoa ja verkkoon liitettyjen laitteiden määrää ei voida taata. Näiden määrä riippuu verkon laadusta ja rajoituksista sekä ympäristöllisistä tekijöistä, kuten rakennuksen valmistusmateriaaleista, esteistä, liikenteen määrästä ja ruuhkaisuudesta sekä päätelaitteen sijainnista.
- Tiedot perustuvat viimeisimpään IDC Worldwide Quarterly WLAN Tracker -raporttiin vuoden 2018 toiselta vuosineljännekseltä.
J.D.Power valitsi TP-Linkin asiakastyytyväisyyden ykköseksi vuosina 2017 ja 2019 yrityksen aloitteesta ja sitoutumisesta parhaan laadun tarjoamiseksi parhaaseen hintaan.
A New Look For Great WiFi
Deco uses new mesh WiFi technology to deliver great WiFi in a way traditional routers and range extenders can’t. Multiple units work together to provide fast, strong WiFi for everyone in the family.
Better Than Google
With over two decades in global networking, we know what it takes to make great WiFi. This is why it’s no surprise that Deco outperforms Google WiFi in both wireless range and speed.1

- First Floor
- Second Floor
- Coverage
- No coverage
Room | Deco M5 | Google WiFi |
Living Room | 334.91 Mbps | 173.86 Mbps |
Home Office | 1004.76 Mbps | 795.11 Mbps |
Bedroom | 394.60 Mbps | 307.50 Mbps |
Home Theater | 608.80 Mbps | 365.62 Mbps |
Deco Covers Every Home
Brick and cement. Floors and ceilings. Walls and hallways. All of them make it tough for WiFi to travel across your home. Deco units work together to move WiFi around the obstacles in your home and deliver complete coverage.
covers 3,800-5,500 square feet, 3-5 bedrooms2
Ranch-Style Home
Multi-Story Home
L-Shaped Home
covers 2,000-3,800 square feet, 2-4 bedrooms*
One-Story Home
Which Deco WiFi System is right for you?
How large is your home in square feet?
How many floors does your home have?
From a bird’s eye view, what shape is your home?
Based on your answers, we recommend:
Deco M5 1-Pack
Every house is unique, with different layouts, a variety of building materials and personalized arrangement of décor. This all can affect how WiFi travels in the home. With the Deco M5 1-Pack, say goodbye to dead spots and enjoy corner-to-corner coverage.
Click here to Restart
Based on your answers, we recommend:
Deco M5 2-Pack
Every house is unique, with different layouts, a variety of building materials and personalized arrangement of décor. This all can affect how WiFi travels in the home. With the Deco M5 2-Pack, say goodbye to dead spots and enjoy corner-to-corner coverage.
Click here to Restart
Based on your answers, we recommend:
Deco M5 3-Pack
Every house is unique, with different layouts, a variety of building materials and personalized arrangement of décor. This all can affect how WiFi travels in the home. With the Deco M5 3-Pack, say goodbye to dead spots and enjoy corner-to-corner coverage.
Click here to Restart
Stronger WiFi.
More Devices.
Deco provides better coverage and stronger signal than routers and range extenders. That’s because each unit is a powerful router and they all work together to extend the strongest signal to every room.
With multiple units working together seamlessly, a Deco system can connect more devices than a traditional router, supporting a mix of up to 150 smart home and WiFi devices.2

Mesh WiFi vs. Traditional WiFi:
Deco units deliver seamless coverage and connect your whole home.

Mesh WiFi vs. Traditional WiFi:
Traditional routers have limited range and can’t keep your whole home connected

Mesh WiFi vs. Traditional WiFi:
Range extenders add coverage to your home but create separate networks.
one name, one password
All you need is one WiFi name and password for your entire Deco network. Walk around your home and stream music or video chat with friends as Deco automatically and intelligently keeps you connected.
Traditional WiFi
Deco Mesh
Mesh WiFi With Built-In Smarts
Adaptive Routing
Deco adapts as your WiFi needs change. Complex algorithms work behind the scenes to automatically and efficiently route data along the fastest path.
: main unit (connected to modem)
: connected unit
Because Deco is a mesh system, it can use any route between the units to connect you to the internet. So, even if one of your Deco units loses power or is disrupted, Deco will adapt and reroute your traffic to keep you streaming and gaming.
A More secure wifi system
Hardware Security
Deco only gets better and more secure with firmware updates, and its firewall only allows approved packets onto your devices.
Advanced Encryption
Deco automatically encrypts every wireless connection using advanced WPA encryption, whether it’s between each Deco unit or between Deco units and your WiFi devices.
Real-Time Antivirus
Deco automatically protects every device from viruses, malware, ransomware on select models featuring HomeCare. That includes devices that don’t normally have protection, like WiFi cameras and smart locks.3
Content Filtering
Create profiles and filter content using customized lists while Deco automatically blocks malicious websites using a continuously updated database.
Comparison Chart
Part Number | Deco | Google WiFi | Eero |
Over-the-Air Software Updates | • | • | • |
Standard Firewall Protection | • | • | • |
Advanced WiFi Encryption (WPA2-WPA3) | • | • | • |
Comprehensive Device Security | • | § | |
Blocks Malicious Sites | • | § | |
Prevents Intruders | • | § | |
Quarantines Infected Devices | • | § | |
Active Reporting and Insights | • | § | |
Family Profiles with Content Filters | • | § | |
§: Requires paid subscription Note: Comparison was compiled based on product information available from product brochures/websites as of 3/1/2018. No actual testing was performed. |
2. Claims about 802.11ax Wi-Fi technology are based on comparisons of the expected maximum theoretical data rates for one spatial stream using 802.11ax at 160 MHz (1201 Mbps) as opposed to one spatial stream using 802.11ac at 80 MHz (433 Mbps) as documented in IEEE 802.11ax draft 3.0 spec and IEEE 802.11-2016 wireless standard specifications, and require the use of similarly configured 802.11ax wireless network routers. Use of 802.11ax Wi-Fi standard requires clients to also support the 802.11ax Wi-Fi standard.
3. Free lifetime subscription to TP-Link HomeCare™ is included with purchase on select TP-Link routers at no additional cost. “Lifetime Subscription” refers solely to the life of the purchased device and can not be transferred. TP-Link reserves the right to modify the service and feature at any time. Please visit and check: www.tp-link.com/homecare
Easy Setup
Set up in minutes with step by step instructions in the Deco app and everything else you need for great WiFi is included in the box.
1. Download and open the Deco app.
2. Connect any Deco unit to your modem and plug it in.
3. Create your WiFi name and password.
4. Use the app to set up more units and enjoy great WiFi.
Simple Management
Deco makes it easy to manage your WiFi from anywhere, whether you’re on the couch or at work.
Check-In While Away
Check your WiFi while away to make sure smart devices like lights, thermostats and security cameras are online and running.
Remote Management
Adjust parental controls and other WiFi settings and provide access to family members so they can help, too.
Simple Updates
Receive notifications when updates are ready and choose the best time to install them to prevent interrupting your WiFi.
An Intuitive App Full of Features
Create Family Profiles
Create profiles and keep your family safe with content filters. View a list of visited sites, block the inappropriate ones and set internet time limits.
Set Bandwidth Priorities
Prioritize the devices and activities most important to you with simple bandwidth control settings.
Share WiFi with Friends
Set up separate WiFi for guests and share the password to make it easier for them to hop online.
Pause the Internet
Call a timeout on the WiFi during dinner and family game nights. Just tap a button to pause the internet for everyone in your home.
Keep Internet Fast
Run a speed test to ensure you’re getting what you’re paying for. See every device on your network plus how much bandwidth they’re using.
- What is Mesh WiFi?
- Mesh is a new and simpler way to extend WiFi coverage throughout your whole home no matter it’s shape and size, eliminating weak WiFi and dead zones.
- How does Mesh WiFi work?
- Mesh uses several Deco units and TP-Link's Mesh Technology to blanket your entire home while only needing one name and password to connect. TP-Link Mesh Technology will automatically switch your devices to the best mesh node and WiFi band as you move throughout your home, so you never lose connection and your speeds stay fast.
- Does this replace my existing WiFi?
- Deco Mesh units replace your current router, therefore, your current WiFi.
- Which Deco Mesh WiFi system is right for you?
- Find the Deco Mesh WiFi that best fits your needs. Picking the right Deco system is easy. Our Buying Guide quiz takes 30 seconds and will help you decide which mesh systems are best for your home, big or small.
- Can Deco replace my modem or router?
- Deco Mesh replaces your old router and works with your modem to blanket your home in fast, stable, and secure WiFi from the bedroom to the backyard.
- Does Deco Mesh WiFi work with my existing internet provider?
- Yes, our Mesh WiFi works with all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and modems.
- How many devices can be connected to a Deco network?
- Depending on the Deco Mesh WiFi system you choose, you can connect up to 150 smart home, gaming, and streaming devices. Each Deco Mesh system will provide information on how many devices you can connect based on the pack size. Visit the product page of your favorite Deco for additional details.
- How many Deco units can I have in my home?
- It is best to connect 10 or fewer Deco units in your home to maintain better performance; however, there is no limit on the number of Deco units you can add to your network. Current 3-packs can cover as much as 7,000 sq. ft., which works for most users.
- Is it possible to use a wired Ethernet connection instead of WiFi to get the units to communicate with each other?
- Absolutely. Most Deco systems have an optional backhaul feature that allows you to create a stronger and more robust backbone for your network by connecting your Deco units using an Ethernet cable.
Note: Backhaul Ethernet cable is not included and must be purchased separately. Some Deco models do not have the optional backhaul feature: Deco E3 / Deco M3 / Deco M3W