Recommended Product
Archer C2600 was recommended by Redes Zone.
2015, Spain
Recommended Award
The Archer VR900 received the Recommended Award from Hexus in UK.
2015, UK
The best Router of year 2015
Touch P5 is the best Router of 2015 by TuExpertow
2015, Spain
Touch P5 has received the award of "Excellent" from HWI
2015, Netherlands
Les numériques test labo (5 stars)
TL-PA8015PKIT received a '5 stars' award from les numériques as one of the best PLC 1,2 Gb/s !
2015, FR
01net 5 stars
TL-PA8015PKIT received a '5 stars' award from as the fastest PLC at the moment !
2015, FR
Recommended Product
RE450 was recommended by Profesional Review
2015, Spain
Best Buy
TL-PA8030P KIT has received Best Buy award from Sunday times
2015, UK
We Recommend
Archer C5 was recommended by GAGADGET.COM
2015, Ukraine
We Recommend
Archer C9 was recommended by GAGADGET.COM
2015, Ukraine
Good Choice
Archer C9 received a ‘Good Choice’ award from PC För Alla
2015, Sweden
Recommended Product
RE210 was recommended by Grupo Informático
2015, Spain