• VIGI Security Manager
    • VIGI Security Manager
    • VIGI Security Manager
    VIGI Security Manager

    VIGI Security Manager

    • Camera& NVR Management
    • Real-Time Live View
    • Recording Schedule & Playback
    • Local & Remote Access 
  • VIGI Config Tool
    • VIGI Config Tool
    VIGI Config Tool

    VIGI Config Tool

    • Search For VIGI Devices on Local Network
    • Batch Configure Basic Device Settings
    • View Live Video Streams
    • Configure Device Access to VIGI VMS
  • VIGI Video Management System
    • VIGI Video Management System

    VIGI Video Management System

    • Central Management
    • Monitoring Center
    • System Dashboard
    • Virtual Map
    • AI Monitoring
    • Evidence Archive

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