How to create or change the camera account on the Tapo app
Configuration Guide
Updated 09-13-2023 08:47:17 AM180005
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The camera account is used for Tapo camera login on other portals, like on the third-party camera surveillance software or a NAS. Here is the instruction to create or change the camera account on the Tapo app.
1. On the Home page of the Tapo app, tap your camera model card or tap the Cameras tab>click on Manage on your camera model to go to the Live View page.
2. On the Live View page, tap the icon on the top right corner to enter the Device Settings page.
3. Tap Advanced Settings on the Device Settings page and then click on Camera Account to create or change the camera account.
If you haven’t created a camera account, enter the username and password to create one.
If you already have one, enter the password you have set to confirm the account, and then set a new username and password for your camera.
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