Ez a leírás a következő eszköz(ök)re alkalmazható::
Tapo RV20 Plus , Tapo RV20 Max Plus , Tapo RV30C Mop Plus , Tapo RV20 Mop Plus , Tapo RV30 Max Plus , Tapo RV20 Max , Tapo RV10 Plus , Tapo RV30C Plus , Tapo RV30 Max , Tapo RV30 Plus
Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
For RV30 Plus/RV10 Plus/RV20 Plus/RV20 Mop Plus
Replace the dust bag when it is full.
How to replace
1. Open the top cover and pull up the handle of the dust bag to remove it.
2. Throw away the used dust bag.
3. Install a new dust bag and replace the cover.
For RV30 Max Plus/ RV20 Max Plus
Replace the dust bag when it is full.
How to replace
1. Open the top cover and pull up the handle of the dust bag to remove.
2. Throw away the used dust bag when it is full.
3. Install a new dust bag and put the cover back on.
Note: Put the cover back on each time you open it, especially before emptying.
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