TL-WN725N , TL-WN822N , Archer T4E , Archer TX55E , UB500 , Archer TXE72E , Archer TX20UH , Archer TXE70UH , Archer T4U Plus , Archer TXE5100UH , Archer T8E , Archer TX1800U , Archer T4U , Archer T2UHP , TL-WN827N , TL-WN821N , Archer TBE550E , Archer T3U Plus , Archer TX20U Plus , Archer T4UH , Archer TX50E , Archer T2UH , Archer T600UB Nano , UB500 Plus , Archer T3U , Archer TX20U Nano , Archer T3U Nano , Archer TX3000E , Archer T2E , TL-WN723N , Archer TBE400E , TL-WN751N , Archer TX21UH , Archer TXE50UH , Archer T6E , Archer T2U , Archer T4UHP , TL-WN825N , UB5A , Archer TXE5400UH , TL-WN823N , Archer TXE75E , Archer TX20E , Archer T1300U Nano , TL-WN851N , TX201 , Archer T9E , Archer TX1750U Nano , Archer T600U Plus , Archer T9UH , Archer T5E , Archer T1U , Archer TX20U , Archer T600U Nano , Archer TX50UH , TX401 , Archer T2U Plus , UB4A , TL-WN727N
Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
If you find that some of your newly installed devices are not working correctly or your Windows computer freezes frequently, you might want to consider removing old & unused device drivers in Windows 11/10/8/7.
1. Right-click on the Start menu and click on the Device Manager.
2. Click View tab and select Show hidden devices. Expand the branches in the device tree & look for the faded icons. These indicate unused device drivers.
Right-click on it and select Uninstall.
Please note that the ability to view hidden devices is enabled by default, but may be disabled by the administrator or system policy in some cases. If you are unable to find the "Show hidden devices" option in Device Manager, please contact your system administrator for assistance or to find out if there are other restrictions.
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