Scarica per Deco X50-5G
Modelli e versioni variano a seconda dell'area geografica.
Per prodotti in uso in Italia, utilizzare solo risorse presenti sul sito .
È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.
- Product Overview
Setup Video
- Why do I receive a "We Noticed a New Login" email?
- Why did I receive an email titled "Potential Vulnerabilities Detected in Your Account"?
- What is the subscription pricing of HomeShield
- How to share network on the Deco App
- What can I do if the Deco app displays "We could not find Deco"?
- La connessione a Internet è instabile o smette improvvisamente di funzionare quando si è connessi alla rete Deco?
- What should I do if the email shows that the link expired when I register cloud account or reset my password?
- Come trovare l'indirizzo IP del proprio Router TP-Link?
- How to set up WireGuard VPN Server on Deco APP
- How to set up WireGuard VPN Client on Deco APP
- How to turn on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in Deco app
- 4G 5G Routers (Including Deco, LTE Gateway and MiFi) have no Internet due to 464XLAT technology used by some operators (e.g., Jio, Globe)
- What should I do if my TP-Link 4G/5G Deco cannot detect SIM card?
- How to install and activate Avira Prime after you subscribe Homeshield Total Security Package
- Can Deco Mesh, OneMesh, EasyMesh and Omada Mesh products work together?
- Troubleshooting: Unstable connection on the 4G/5G Deco
- How to replace the main Deco with another Deco
- General questions about the Smart Home feature in the Deco app
- How to choose right TP-Link product for your internet service
- Should I use Dynamic IP or PPPoE?
- How do I set up my Deco with Singtel?
- How to use Deco Lab on your Deco
- General questions about Ethernet Backhaul feature on your Deco
- How to collect system log of Deco App
- Frequently asked questions about TP-Link Home Mesh Wi-Fi
- Common Questions on TP-Link Wi-Fi 7 Wireless Router and Deco Products
- How to use Deco with your existing router
- How to choose the right Deco
- Why does TP-Link require my email address?
- Risoluzione dei problemi: velocità Internet lenta con dispositivi Deco
- Impossibile impostare il Satellite Deco
- Getting to know your Deco app
- What if I forget the password of my TP-Link ID or the account is locked?(Deco)
- What if I fail to sign up or activate the TP-Link ID?
- Why port forwarding feature is not working on my Wi-Fi router or Deco?
- How to remove a Parental Control profile on the Deco
- How to extend guest network when there is a switch between Decos
- What should I do if I failed to login Deco App?
- What can I do if the Deco app shows “Let's Begin” while Deco is working well?
- The Weak Security and Privacy Warning on the iOS14 or iOS15
- Why did I receive a new device connection alert when a known device joined the network?
- How to change the owner account on Deco APP
- How do I know which Deco my client is connected to?
- Is the Signal Source for Satellite Decos Selectable on the Deco App?
- How to delete a network on the Deco app
- How to delete an offline device on the Deco app
- Cosa devo fare se il mio prodotto Deco 4G/5G mostra l'assenza di segnale o di servizio sulla Deco App?
- How to enable the Access Control Skill in your Alexa App
- Troubleshooting Guide of DDNS function on TP-Link Wi-Fi Router, LTE Gateway Router or Deco Router
- How to connect Deco with Starlink
- Abnormal LED lights and bad ports on the TP-Link Deco
- Cannot connect to Deco Wi-Fi
- What should I do if I cannot open a website through Deco network?
- Diversi modelli Deco sono compatibili tra loro?
- How to find the firmware version of Deco
- How to change the name of the client on the Deco app
- How to configure your TP-Link Deco with CenturyLink’s fiber service
- How to change the device name of Deco
- How to enable WPS function on Deco
- How to change LAN IP address of Deco
- How to add manager account of Deco
- LED feature of Deco
- How do I test speed of Deco?
- How to change Notification settings of Deco
- What’s the difference between an owner account and a manager account?
- What to do if you cannot connect to your Deco remotely?
- What’s a Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi System and How it works?
- General questions about the AI-Driven Mesh feature
- Why the actual wireless speed on my wireless device is lower than the speed result on the Deco APP?
- Why is my satellite Deco unit not getting the same speed as the main Deco?
- Why my clients don't roam/connect to the nearest Deco node?
- General question about the Wi-Fi range of Deco
- How to change Time settings on the Deco
- Why is a device displayed as an unknown device on the Deco app?
- What are the differences between different models of Deco?
- Can I use Deco with my existing router?
- Is it normal that my Deco feels warm?
- Can my printer join a Deco network?
- What do the different LED colors meaning of Deco?
- Why Deco's WiFi is showing Internet May Not Be Available on my mobile device when standing next to the Deco unit?
Un aggiornamento firmware può risolvere problemi, aumentare le performance o introdurre nuove funzionalità.
Come aggiornare
- È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.
- È possibile installare solamente firmware creati per modello e versione hardware in uso.
- Il caricamento di un firmware non appropriato può danneggiare irrimediabilmente il dispositivo e ne invalida la garanzia.
- Assicurarsi di non interrompere l’alimentazione del dispositivo e del computer durante l’aggiornamento.
- I firmware sono scaricabili esclusivamente in formato compresso: è necessario estrarre il firmware aprendo l’archivio compresso tramite un software di decompressione e salvandolo sul desktop.
Deco X50-5G(EU)_V1_1.1.7 Build 20240809 |
Download | |
Data di pubblicazione: 2024-09-20 | Lingua: Multi-language | Dimensioni file: 151.00 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: Notes: |
Deco X50-5G(EU)_V1_1.1.5 Build 20240419 |
Download | |
Data di pubblicazione: 2024-05-23 | Lingua: Multi-language | Dimensioni file: 150.84 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: Note: |
Deco X50-5G(EU)_V1_1.1.2 Build 20231117 |
Download | |
Data di pubblicazione: 2023-12-25 | Lingua: Multi-language | Dimensioni file: 150.53 MB |
1. Fix the bug that the Deco X50-5G failed to register to the network Note: |
Codice Open Source (GPL)
I prodotti TP-LINK contengono software sviluppato da terze parti, incluso software distribuito con licenza GPL (GNU General Public Licence versione 1, 2 o 3) o con licenza LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License): l'utilizzo di questo software è possibile entro limiti e condizioni stabiliti dalla tipologia di licenza con la quale è distribuito e specificate a questo link. È possibile ottenere il codice sorgente soggetto a GPL e la lista dei prodotti che utilizzano tale codice all'interno del Centro sorgenti GPL.
I relativi software sono distribuiti con formula di TOTALE ESCLUSIONE DI GARANZIA; non sono pertanto garantite COMMERCIABILITÀ e/o IDONEITÀ PER QUALSIASI UTILIZZO SPECIFICO.
Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il testo GNU General Public License.

- TP-Link Deco
The Deco app allows you to quickly and easily install and manage your Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi System.