Scarica per Tapo L430C V1

Modelli e versioni variano a seconda dell'area geografica.
Per prodotti in uso in Italia, utilizzare solo risorse presenti sul sito .
È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.

Setup Video

  • How to Set Up Your Tapo Smart Light Bulb | Tapo L430C

    Transform your space with our smart light bulb, offering a stunning array of colors and seamless transitions between warm and cool whites. With convenient dual control via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, managing your lighting has never been easier. Elevate your ambiance effortlessly!

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  • How to Reset Your Tapo Smart Light Bulb | Tapo L430C

    In this video, we'll guide you through the steps to reset your Tapo smart light bulb, including both a soft reset for Wi-Fi settings and a factory reset to restore default settings. Whether you prefer using the controller or the Tapo app, we’ve got you covered!

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TP-Link Tapo

TP-Link Tapo offre il modo più semplice per gestire e controllare i vostri prodotti smart life.