Scarica per TL-WR940N
Modelli e versioni variano a seconda dell'area geografica.
Per prodotti in uso in Italia, utilizzare solo risorse presenti sul sito .
È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.
- Product Overview
Setup Video
How to Resolve Double NAT using Starlink
How to Configure a TP-Link Router with Starlink
How to Set up Address Reservation on TP-Link Routers Windows
This video will show you how to set up Address Reservation on TP-Link routers.
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What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a DSL modem and a TP-Link router
If you can’t access the internet using a DSL modem and TP-Link router, this video can help you solve the problem.
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What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a cable modem and a TP-Link router
If you can’t access the internet using a cable modem and TP-Link router, follow this video step by step to solve your problem.
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How to turn a router into an Access Point?
- How to share network on Tether App
- What should I do if fail to upgrade the firmware of my TP-Link router?
- Brief introduction of Wireless Channel, Channel Width and DFS
- Come trovare l'indirizzo IP del proprio Router TP-Link?
- Come trovare o modificare la password wireless sui prodotti TP-Link
- Come migliorare la velocità o la portata wireless?
- How do I log into the web-based Utility (Management Page) of TP-Link wireless router?
- How to configure the TP-Link wireless router as Access Point
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router on web management page
- How to choose right TP-Link product for your internet service
- Should I use Dynamic IP or PPPoE?
- How to view and save System Log of TP-Link wireless router
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router with Singtel on web management page
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router with Singtel on Tether App
- Come ripristinare le impostazioni di fabbrica del tuo Router TP-Link tramite tasto WPS/Reset
- What should I do if the internet light is off or there is an error message “ WAN Port Unplugged” on the TP-Link router page?
- Why port forwarding feature is not working on my Wi-Fi router or Deco?
- How to connect TP-Link router with Starlink
- Cosa devo fare se la mia connessione Internet è lenta?
- What should I do if the LED of TP-Link router is abnormal?
- How to configure Static Routing on wireless routers
- How to Create Static Routing on TP-Link Routers
- What are the most frequent asked questions about the TP-Link devices' speed?
- How to bind IP Address and MAC Address on TP-Link Router
- What should I do if wireless connection cannot work on TP-Link Wi-Fi router?
- How to use bandwidth control on TP-Link wireless router
- How do I configure the basic wireless settings for my TP-Link 11N routers (new logo)?
- How do I configure the basic wireless settings for my TP-Link 11N Wireless Router?
- How to Avoid Double NAT When DSL Modem Router and Wireless Router are Used Together
- Why My TP-Link Router Can Not Get WAN Parameters From My Modem?
- How to confirm whether the router is connected to internet through Diagnostic function
- How to set up access control for website blocking on TP-Link Wireless Router (older green UI)
- How to Setup DDNS(DynDNS) on Wireless Router
- How to configure Wireless MAC address filter on wireless router
- Come si usa la funzione Parental Control su un router Wireless N?
- Come individuare la password della rete wireless su un router 11N?
- How to Setup DDNS (No-IP) on TP-Link Wireless Router
- How to protect your TP-Link network devices from potential attacks
- How to do troubleshooting from the system log when PPPoE connection fails
- How to install TP-Link wireless router to work with a DSL Modem (PPPoE)
- How to Upgrade the firmware version of TP-Link Wireless Router
- How to set up Wake-on-LAN on wireless router
- How to install TP-Link 11N wireless router to work with a DSL Modem (PPPoE- new logo)
- How to bind IP Address and MAC Address on TP-Link 11N Router (new logo)
- How to configure Address Reservation on TP-Link 11N wireless router (new logo)
- How to configure the TP-Link 11N wireless router as Repeater (new logo)
- How to configure WDS function on TP-Link Wireless Routers (new logo)
- How to configure Wireless MAC Filtering on TP-Link 11N wireless router (new logo)
- How to set up Access Control for website blocking on TP-Link 11N Wireless Router (new logo)
- How to upgrade the firmware version of TP-Link 11N Wireless Router (new logo)
- How to use Parental Control function on TP-Link 11N Wireless router (new logo)
- How to Upgrade the Firmware on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers
- Why cannot log into the Management Page with NOD 32 ESET?
- What can I do if my router keeps rebooting itself?
- What should I do if I cannot open specific websites?
- What should I do if I can’t log into web-based interface of my TP-Link device?
- What can I do if I forget the login password of TP-Link Wireless Router?
- What should I do if I cannot find my wireless network or I cannot connect the wireless network ?
- What should I do if I cannot access the internet through Wi-Fi router?
- Troubleshooting: Unstable wireless connection on TP-Link router
- Port forwarding: how to set up virtual server on TP-Link wireless router?
- How do I install TP-Link 11N wireless router to work with a Modem (Static IP-new logo)?
- How do I install a TP-Link 11N router to work with a DSL modem (Dynamic IP-new logo)?
- Application Requirement/Choose WAN Connection Type on my TP-Link router
- How do I install TP-Link router to work with a Cable Modem? (Old UI)
- How do I use the WDS Bridging function to extend my wireless network?
- Come posso proteggere / proteggere la mia rete wireless usando la crittografia WEP sul router 11N wireless TP-Link?
- Come posso proteggere la mia rete wireless usando WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK sui router wireless 11N TP-Link?
- Come faccio ad aprire le porte sul mio router wireless TP-Link per Xbox Live?
- How do I change the IP address of a TP-Link Wireless Router ?
- How do I configure MAC Address Clone on my TP-Link Wireless Router(green UI)?
- Why cannot I access the Internet after successfully connected to the TP-Link router’s wireless network(Windows OS)?
- Performance di throughput NAT WAN-LAN su Router Archer C / TL-WR
- How do I configure Remote Management for my TP-Link Wireless Router?
- Why my TP-Link Router gets a WAN IP from the modem but no internet access?
- Why cannot I access the Internet after successfully connected to the TP-Link router's wireless network(MAC OS)?
- How to configure Address Reservation on TP-Link wireless router
- Application Requirement/Internet Access Control
- Come configurare la funzione WDS dei router TP-Link 11n
- How do I install a TP-Link router to work with a DSL modem (Dynamic IP)?
- How do I install TP-Link wireless router to work with a Modem (Static IP)?
- How do I reduce the MTU size on my TP-Link Router?
- Application Requirement/ Parental Control
Un aggiornamento firmware può risolvere problemi, aumentare le performance o introdurre nuove funzionalità.
Come aggiornare
- È strettamente necessario verificare modello e versione hardware prima di scaricare ed installare ogni firmware.
- È possibile installare solamente firmware creati per modello e versione hardware in uso.
- Il caricamento di un firmware non appropriato può danneggiare irrimediabilmente il dispositivo e ne invalida la garanzia.
- Assicurarsi di non interrompere l’alimentazione del dispositivo e del computer durante l’aggiornamento.
- I firmware sono scaricabili esclusivamente in formato compresso: è necessario estrarre il firmware aprendo l’archivio compresso tramite un software di decompressione e salvandolo sul desktop.
TL-WR940N(EU)_V6_3.20.1 Build 220801 |
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Data di pubblicazione: 2022-11-21 | Lingua: English | Dimensioni file: 4.43 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: Notes: |
TL-WR940N(EU)_V6_211111 |
Download | |
Data di pubblicazione: 2022-01-21 | Lingua: English | Dimensioni file: 4.24 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: Notes: |
TL-WR940N(EU)_V6_200316 |
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Data di pubblicazione: 2020-04-28 | Lingua: English | Dimensioni file: 4.42 MB |
New Features/Enhancement: Bug Fixes: Notes: |
Codice Open Source (GPL)
I prodotti TP-LINK contengono software sviluppato da terze parti, incluso software distribuito con licenza GPL (GNU General Public Licence versione 1, 2 o 3) o con licenza LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License): l'utilizzo di questo software è possibile entro limiti e condizioni stabiliti dalla tipologia di licenza con la quale è distribuito e specificate a questo link. È possibile ottenere il codice sorgente soggetto a GPL e la lista dei prodotti che utilizzano tale codice all'interno del Centro sorgenti GPL.
I relativi software sono distribuiti con formula di TOTALE ESCLUSIONE DI GARANZIA; non sono pertanto garantite COMMERCIABILITÀ e/o IDONEITÀ PER QUALSIASI UTILIZZO SPECIFICO.
Per ulteriori informazioni consultare il testo GNU General Public License.