Tapo RV30C Mop Plus , Tapo RV20 , Tapo RV30C , Tapo RV30C Slim , Tapo RV20 Plus , Tapo RV20 Max Plus , Tapo RV20 Mop Plus , Tapo RV70 Omni , Tapo RV10 , Tapo RV20 Mop , Tapo RV30 , Tapo RVA100 , Tapo RVA101 , Tapo RVA200 , Tapo RVA300 , Tapo RVA102 , Tapo RVA400 , Tapo RVA103 , Tapo RV10 Plus , Tapo RV30C Plus , Tapo RV30 Max , Tapo RV30C Mop , Tapo RV30 Max Plus , Tapo RV10 Lite , Tapo RV20 Max , Tapo RV30 Plus
Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
Robot vacuums typically don’t fall down stairs because they’re designed to use downward-facing sensors to detect and avoid stairs, If it happens, it might be caused by the abnormal cliff sensor.
The cliff sensor is a sensor that prevents the Robot Vacuum from falling.
The Robot Vacuum has a total of 3 cliff sensors, which are distributed on the bottom of the left, right, and front.
You may try the following troubleshooting steps:
1. Turn the robot vacuum over, and wipe the cliff sensor with a damp cloth.
2. Keep the robot vacuum upside down, and press the Start button to check if the main wheels stop spinning after a brief spin and an alarm sounds.
NOTE: The robot vacuum is not suitable for black floors.
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