

昨今、TP-Linkに関するいくつか情報の偏った報道があります。TP-Link本社であるTP-Link Systems Inc.(所在地:米国)は次のような公式声明を発表しています。

TP-Link Systems Inc.とティーピーリンクジャパン株式会社は、現地の法律および規制を厳格に遵守して運営しており、ユーザー様のサイバーセキュリティと利益を継続的に保護しております。



Dear Valued Customers / Partners,

TP-Link Systems, which is headquartered in the United States, is fully committed to complying with U.S. laws.

We welcome any opportunities to engage with the U.S. government to demonstrate that our security practices are fully in line with industry security standards, and to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the U.S. market, U.S. consumers, and addressing U.S. national security risks.

We stand behind the quality, security, and integrity of our products.

TP-Link Systems carefully controls its own supply chains to optimize value and security, implements rigorous secure product development and testing processes, and takes timely and appropriate action to mitigate any vulnerabilities we become aware of. We are constantly assessing potential security risks to our U.S. operations, customers, and supply chain.

Based on publicly available materials, our company’s routers are apparently among the many brands of consumer electronics targeted by PRC-based hackers, and we are aware of no indications that our products are more vulnerable to hacking than those of other brands. Indeed, we are aware of a recent U.S. government advisory specifically identifying another manufacturer’s devices and operating systems as a notable target of PRC cyber threat actors. Again, TP-Link Systems takes timely and appropriate action to mitigate any vulnerabilities we become aware of.

To be clear, the Chinese government does not have access to and control over the design and production of our routers and other devices. TP-Link Systems is no longer affiliated with China based TP-LINK Technologies, which sells exclusively in mainland China. Further, TP-Link Systems and its subsidiaries do not sell any products to customers in mainland China.

TP-Link Systems supports efforts to increase product security and user data protections across the networking and connected device ecosystems. We recently signed the “Secure by Design” pledge on secure product development sponsored by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, and are actively engaging with CISA and other cybersecurity stakeholders.

TP-Link Systems sells products at multiple price points, some of which are lower than those of competitor products. We do not sell products for below cost. Our market share has grown as U.S. consumers increasingly recognize the value of and choose to purchase our products (the numbers referenced in the media are not accurate, however).

TP-Link Systems is confident in its position serving the market as a U.S.-headquartered company. We look forward to continuing to provide quality, secure routers and other devices to consumers in the U.S. and around the world.

Please reach out should you have any further questions.







中国政府は、当社のルーターやその他機器の設計や製造にアクセスしたり、管理したりすることはできません。また当社は、中国に拠点を置き中国本土でのみ販売を行っているTP-LINK Technologiesとは提携しておらず、当社とその子会社は、中国本土での販売は行っておりません。







From United States?
