What can I do if the log shows packets dropped on TP-Link SMB router?

수정일07-23-2024 03:14:35 AM Number of views for this article78400
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Sometimes customer will find the system log of Detected ip packets with option field, dropped XX packets on TP-Link SMB router as below.

Customer may think that this system log means a fault in his network. In fact, it is just caused by an improper configuration on our router.

If you don’t want these packets to be dropped, you can follow the following steps to achieve a proper configuration on our router and then the drops will not occur any more.

Note: This document can only apply to the system log: Detected ip packets with option field, dropped XX packets.

Step 1

Log into the router and then go to the page “Firewall/Attack Defense”, you will find the “Block IP options” has been checked as below:

Step 2

Uncheck the “Block IP options” and then click “Save” button.

Then the problem would be fixed.

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