How to setup a POE network by using TP-Link POE products
POE10R , TL-POE10R , TL-SF1008P , TL-SG1008PE , TL-POE200 , TL-SL1226P , TL-SG1008P , TL-SG2424P , TL-SG3424P , TL-SG1008MP , POE150S , TL-POE150S
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Solution 1:
We can use TL-POE150S and TL-POE10R to expand the network for the place where power line can not reach or there is no outlet.
In the topology shown as above, both TL-POE10R and the device which connect to it do not need external power adapter, the TL-POE150S can provide power supply and data for TL-POE10R, and TL-POE10R will relay the data and power for the device which connected to it. The data can be transfer among the devices via Cat 5 UTP cable.
Solution 2:
Using TL-SF1008P and TL-POE10R to expand the network to where there is no power line or outlets.
4 of the 8 Auto-Negotiation RJ45 ports (port 1 to port 4) of TL-SF1008P support Power over Ethernet (PoE) function. These PoE ports can automatically detect and supply power with those IEEE 802.3af compliant Powered Devices (PDs).
In the topology shown as above, the 4 ports (port 1 to port 4) of TL-SF1008P act as POE Supplier, they provide power supply to POE Receiver TL-POE10R and transfer data between them via a one single cable.
TL-POE10R receives power supply from TL-SF1008P and itself provide power supply to the device which connecting to it at the same time. Both TL-POE10R and the device which is connected to it need no external power adapter.
1. The first 4 ports (port 1 to port 4) of TL-SF1008P support POE function and act as POE Supplier, it can provide power supply to POE Receiver and transfer data them with one single cable at the same time. And it also can work as a normal 8-ports switch.
TL-SF1008P can works with POE Receiver such as TP-Link TL-POE10R or other POE Receiver.
2. TL-POE150S is a POE Supplier Adapter, it can provide power supply to
POE Receiver such as TL-POE10R via Cat 5 UTP cable, and transfer data between them with the same cable.
TL-POE150S can work with POE Receiver such as TP-Link TL-POE10R or other POE Receiver.
It can transfer data and provide power supply to the device which connecting to it, it works as a Power Supply Repeater between TL-POE150S and the device which connecting to it.
TL-POE10R also can work with other brand device which use 12VDC or 5VDC power supply.
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