Using HomeCare QoS features in a TP-Link Router

Configuration Guide
수정일09-02-2022 03:38:40 AM Number of views for this article117819
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We have created a guide that will assist you in setting up and configuring the QoS features in your HomeCare enabled TP-Link Router.

Via APP:

Via Web management page:

1. Log into the web interface of your TP-Link device by referring to How do I log into the web-based Utility (Management Page) of TP-Link wireless router?

Set high priority for applications:

1. Click on Advanced –> QoS –> Application Priority

2. Click the edit button to set the total bandwidth for your Internet.

Note: The total bandwidth is from the result of the Speed Test in our router. If it doesn’t match the bandwidth provided by your ISP, you can set it manually.

3. Choose an application priority according to your demand.

Set high priority for applications:

1. Click on Advanced –> QoS –> Device Priority

2. Click the edit button to set the total bandwidth for your Internet.

Note: The total bandwidth is from the result of the Speed Test in our router. If it doesn’t match the bandwidth provided by your ISP, you can set it manually.

3. Toggle on Priority. Click the entry in the Timing column and select time as the duration you want the device to be prioritized for.

Get to know more details about each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.

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