How to configure Address Reservation on TL-WR802N/WR810N (new logo)
You can reserve an IP address for a specific client. When you specify a reserved IP address for a PC on the LAN, this PC will always receive the same IP address each time when it accesses the DHCP server.
Here takes TL-WR802N as an example.
1. Login the router. Please refer to How do I log into the web-based Utility (Management Page) of TP-Link wireless router?.
2. Go to DHCP > Address Reservation.
3. Click Add New and fill in the blank.
1) Enter the MAC address (in XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX format.) of the client for which you want to reserve an IP address.
2) Enter the IP address (in dotted-decimal notation) which you want to reserve for the client.
3) Leave the status as Enabled.
4) Click Save.
Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.
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