Algemene vragen over Tapo Care

Tapo Care
Updated 01-30-2024 09:50:50 AM Number of views for this article293979
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OPMERKING: Sommige abonnementen en functies van Tapo Care zijn nog niet beschikbaar in sommige regio's. Raadpleeg de actuele versie van de app of webpagina voor meer informatie.

Overzicht Tapo Care

V1 Wat is Tapo Care?

Voor Tapo-camera's biedt de Tapo Care-service cloudopslag, uitgebreide meldingen met snapshots, slim sorteren en andere services. Met de Tapo Care-service worden alle gedetecteerd gebeurtenissen opgenomen en wordt een korte clip 7/30 dagen opgeslagen in de cloud. U kunt deze naar wens bekijken via de Tapo app.

Dit zijn de verschillen tussen geen abonnement en een abonnement op Tapo Care:


Zonder Tapo Care

Met Tapo Care


Directe meldingen

Tweeweg audio


Lokale opslag



Huilende baby*



Videoclipgeschiedenis in de cloud


Uitgebreide meldingen met snapshots


Wekelijks rapport*




Slim sorteren*



*Deze functies kunnen variëren op basis van productmodel, firmware en Tapo Care-abonnementen. Meer apparaten worden binnenkort ondersteund.

V2 Wat is het verschil tussen het basis- en premiumabonnement van Tapo Care?




Beschikbare regio's/landen

Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Spanje, Thailand, Filippijnen, Maleisië

Alle landen die Tapo Care ondersteunen


7 dagen

30 dagen

Ondersteunde camera's

  1. 1 camera
  2. tot 5 camera's
  1. 1 camera
  2. 2 camera's
  3. 3 camera's
  4. tot 10 camera's


Tapo Care-abonnement kunnen verschillen per regio en land. Ga voor meer informatie over de Tapo Care-abonnementen in uw regio naar de Tapo Care-website.

Voordat u een Tapo Care-abonnement afsluit

V3 Hoe sluit ik een Tapo Care-abonnement af.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over het afsluiten van een Tapo Care-abonnement.

V4 Nadat de gratis proefversie van Tapo Care verloopt, wordt er dan automatisch een abonnement voor de camera afgesloten?

Nee, de gratis service wordt automatisch geannuleerd zodra deze verloopt. Er worden geen kosten in rekening gebracht. Het Tapo Care-abonnement begint pas na uw bevestiging in de app.

V5 Kan ik de gratis proefversie van Tapo Care annuleren?

Ja, u kunt de proefversie op elk moment annuleren tijdens de proefperiode. Na de annulering kan de proefversie van het model niet worden hervat.

Klik hier voor meer informatie over de gratis proefversie van Tapo Care.

V6 Heb ik een SD-kaart nodig om gebruik te maken van Tapo Care?

Nee, voor Tapo Care hebt u geen SD-kaart nodig. Alle belangrijke momenten worden 7/30 dagen opgeslagen in de cloud.

V7 Als ik meer dan 1 Tapo-camera heb, moet ik dan voor elke camera een Tapo Care-abonnement afsluiten?

Nee, dit is niet nodig. Bij Tapo Care kunt u kiezen uit een basis- of premiumabonnement om meerdere camera's toe te voegen aan één Tapo Care-abonnement.

Bij het basisabonnement kunt u 1-5 camera's toevoegen.

Bij het premiumabonnement kunt u 1-3 camera's of maximaal 10 camera's toevoegen.

Tapo Care-abonnement kunnen verschillen per regio en land. Ga voor meer informatie over de Tapo Care-abonnementen in uw regio naar de Tapo Care-website.

V8 Heb ik recht op terugbetaling nadat ik Tapo Care heb aangeschaft?

Als Tapo Care wordt geannuleerd of beëindigd tijdens de geldigheidsperiode, hebt u geen recht op terugbetaling van de abonnementskosten tijdens deze periode. Als u een langdurig abonnement hebt, kunt u uw Tapo Care-abonnement beëindigen en worden er geen kosten in rekening gebracht nadat uw huidige factureringscyclus is beëindigd.

Klik hier voor meer informatie.

V9 Kan ik met een Apple ID/Google ID meer dan één Tapo Care-abonnementen afsluiten voor een apparaat?

Nee, er kan slechts één Apple ID/Google ID aan één Tapo Care-abonnement worden gekoppeld. Als u meer premiumabonnementen nodig hebt, ga dan naar

V10 Als ik al een Tapo Care-abonnement heb dat niet is verlopen, kan ik dan een aanvullende service aanschaffen? Indien dit mogelijk is, wanneer begint en eindigt de service dan?

Ja, de service start op het moment dat u het aanvullende Tapo Care-abonnement afsluit en duurt 1 maand of 1 jaar afhankelijk van het het aanvullende abonnement dat u hebt gekozen.

Nadat u een Tapo Care-abonnement hebt afgesloten

V11 Hoe bevestig ik dat ik een Tapo Care-abonnement heb afgesloten?

Nadat u voor de service hebt betaald, opent u de TP-Link Tapo app, gaat u naar de pagina Ik ->Tapo Care waar u de geldigheid van uw TP-Link Tapo-abonnement kunt bekijken.

ervices. With the Tapo Care service, regardless of camera state, all detected events are recorded and a brief clip is saved to the cloud for 7/30 days for you to access at your leisure via Tapo APP.

The following are the differences after subscribing to Tapo Care:


Without Tapo Care

With Tapo Care

Live view

Instant notifications

Two-Way audio

Activity zones

Local storage

Motion detection

Person detection

Baby Crying*

Motion tracking*

Privacy zones*

Cloud video clip history


Rich notifications with snapshots


Weekly Report*


Video Summary*


Smart Sort*



*These functions may vary by product models, firmware, and Tapo Care plans. More devices will be supported soon.

Q2 What's the difference between the Basic and the Premium Tapo Care plan?


Basic Plan

Premium Plan

Available Regions/Countries

UK, Germany, Spain, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia

All Tapo Care supported countries

Cloud Storage

7 Days

30 Days

Supported Cameras

  1. 1 camera
  2. Up to 5 cameras
  1. 1 camera
  2. 2 cameras
  3. 3 cameras
  4. Up to 10 cameras


Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Before subscribing to Tapo Care

Q3 How to subscribe to Tapo Care.

To learn how to subscribe to the Tapo Care plan, please click here.

Q4 When the free trial of Tapo Care expires, will the camera automatically subscribe?

No, when the free service expires, it will be automatically canceled and you will not be charged. The Tapo Care subscription will begin only after you confirm on the app.

Q5 Can I cancel the Tapo Care Free Trial?

Yes, you can cancel the trial at any time during the trial period. After cancellation, the trial of the model cannot be resumed.

To get more details about Tapo Care Free Trial, please click here.

Q6 Is an SD card required to use Tapo Care?

No, Tapo Care doesn’t need an SD card. All the important moments will be saved in the cloud for 7/30 days.

Q7 If I have more than 1 Tapo camera, do I need to subscribe to Tapo Care for each of them?

No, you don’t. Tapo Care provides Basic and Premium plans to allow to add of multiple cameras into one Tapo Care plan.

For the Basic Plan, you can add 1-5 cameras.

For the Premium plan, you can add 1-3 cameras or up to 10 cameras.

Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Q8 Can I get a refund after purchasing Tapo Care?

If Tapo Care is actively canceled or terminated during the validity period, the subscription fee will not be refunded during the period. If you are a continuous subscription member, you can unsubscribe to Tapo Care and there will be no charge after your current billing cycle ends.

Click here to get more details.

Q9 Can an Apple ID/Google ID subscribe to more than one Tapo Care plan for a device?

No, one Apple ID / Google ID can only subscribe to one Tapo Care plan. If you need to subscribe to more Premium plans, please visit

Q10 If I already have Tapo Care plan which hasn’t expired, can I buy an additional service? If so, when will the service begin and end?

Yes, the service will start as soon as you subscribe to the additional Tapo Care plan and last for 1 month or 1 year depending on the plan you choose from the day you subscribe to this Tapo Care plan.

After subscribing to Tapo Care

Q11 How do I confirm that my Tapo Care has been subscribed successfully?

After paying for the service, launch the TP-Link Tapo app, go to the Me ->Tapo Care page, you can find the validity of your Tapo Care plan here.

Of ga naar de pagina Liveweergave van de camera en controleer of de thumbnail met cloudvideo's beschikbaar is in de sectie Afspelen en downloaden.


U kunt ook naar de pagina Camera-instellingen gaan om de premiumfuncties van Tapo Care, zoals uitgebreide meldingen, in te schakelen.

V12 Wat moet ik doen als mijn Tapo-camera geen video's uploadt naar de cloud nadat Tapo Care is geactiveerd?

  • Klik hier om te controleren of de instelling Bewegingsdetectie van de camera is geactiveerd.
  • Klik hier om te controleren of de camera is toegevoegd aan het abonnement: Ik > Tapo Care > Camera selecteren.
  • Klik hier om te bevestigen of de signaalsterkte van de camera sterk genoeg is. Als video's met een lagere resolutie niet normaal geüpload kunnen worden, kunnen delen van de video verloren gaan of kan de upload mislukken. Aanbevolen wordt om niet te veel apparaten tegelijkertijd te verbinden met het thuisnetwerk om te zorgen dat de camera video's kan uploaden naar de cloud.

Als er nog steeds geen video's worden geüpload naar de cloud, neem dan contact op met de technische support van TP-Link.

V13 Hoe kan ik automatische verlenging uitschakelen voor Tapo Care?

  • Voor Apple Pay: Schakel betalingen in iCloud uit. Het pad is: Instellingen > iTunes Store en App Store > Apple ID > Apple ID weergeven > Accountinstellingen > Abonnementen.
  • Voor Google Pay: Schakel de betaalmethode in Google Play uit. Het pad is: Play Store > Zijbalk > Abonnementen.
  • Voor Paypal of creditcard: Ga naar, meld u aan met uw TP-Link ID en annuleer het abonnement.

Opmerking: Als u een creditcard gebruikt als betaalmethode, wordt door het creditcardbedrijf mogelijk een wisselkoersopslag in rekening gebracht als de valuta van het betaalbedrag afwijkt van de valuta van uw creditcard. TP-Link is niet aansprakelijk voor deze aanvullende kosten.

V14 Kan de Tapo-camera opnamen opslaan op de cloudserver als de Tapo app niet is geopend?

Ja, de instellingen worden op de camera zelf opgeslagen en de camera kan nog steeds gebeurtenissen detecteren en opnemen op basis van uw instellingen zolang de camera een stabiele internetverbinding heeft.

V15 Hoe lang maakt de camera opnamen bij gebruik van Tapo Care?

De maximumlengte van elke clip is 3 minuten.

De lengte van de videoclips hangt af van de tijd dat objecten in de video bewegen. Als er geen bewegend object wordt gedetecteerd, stopt de camera met het maken van opnamen.

V16 Heb ik nog steeds toegang tot de video's die zijn opgeslagen in de cloud via de Tapo app nadat het Tapo Care-abonnement is verlopen?

Ja, u kunt de video's bekijken zolang de video's niet langer dan 7/30 dagen in de cloud zijn opgeslagen.

V17 Als mijn camera kapot is of is gestolen, hoe krijg ik dan toegang tot mijn cloudvideo's?

Meld u met uw TP-Link ID aan bij de Tapo app en ga naar Ik > Afspelen en downloaden > Cloudvideo, hier kunt u cloudvideo's bekijken die niet langer dan 7/30 dagen zijn opgeslagen.

events are recorded and a brief clip is saved to the cloud for 7/30 days for you to access at your leisure via Tapo APP.

The following are the differences after subscribing to Tapo Care:


Without Tapo Care

With Tapo Care

Live view

Instant notifications

Two-Way audio

Activity zones

Local storage

Motion detection

Person detection

Baby Crying*

Motion tracking*

Privacy zones*

Cloud video clip history


Rich notifications with snapshots


Weekly Report*


Video Summary*


Smart Sort*



*These functions may vary by product models, firmware, and Tapo Care plans. More devices will be supported soon.

Q2 What's the difference between the Basic and the Premium Tapo Care plan?


Basic Plan

Premium Plan

Available Regions/Countries

UK, Germany, Spain, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia

All Tapo Care supported countries

Cloud Storage

7 Days

30 Days

Supported Cameras

  1. 1 camera
  2. Up to 5 cameras
  1. 1 camera
  2. 2 cameras
  3. 3 cameras
  4. Up to 10 cameras


Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Before subscribing to Tapo Care

Q3 How to subscribe to Tapo Care.

To learn how to subscribe to the Tapo Care plan, please click here.

Q4 When the free trial of Tapo Care expires, will the camera automatically subscribe?

No, when the free service expires, it will be automatically canceled and you will not be charged. The Tapo Care subscription will begin only after you confirm on the app.

Q5 Can I cancel the Tapo Care Free Trial?

Yes, you can cancel the trial at any time during the trial period. After cancellation, the trial of the model cannot be resumed.

To get more details about Tapo Care Free Trial, please click here.

Q6 Is an SD card required to use Tapo Care?

No, Tapo Care doesn’t need an SD card. All the important moments will be saved in the cloud for 7/30 days.

Q7 If I have more than 1 Tapo camera, do I need to subscribe to Tapo Care for each of them?

No, you don’t. Tapo Care provides Basic and Premium plans to allow to add of multiple cameras into one Tapo Care plan.

For the Basic Plan, you can add 1-5 cameras.

For the Premium plan, you can add 1-3 cameras or up to 10 cameras.

Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Q8 Can I get a refund after purchasing Tapo Care?

If Tapo Care is actively canceled or terminated during the validity period, the subscription fee will not be refunded during the period. If you are a continuous subscription member, you can unsubscribe to Tapo Care and there will be no charge after your current billing cycle ends.

Click here to get more details.

Q9 Can an Apple ID/Google ID subscribe to more than one Tapo Care plan for a device?

No, one Apple ID / Google ID can only subscribe to one Tapo Care plan. If you need to subscribe to more Premium plans, please visit

Q10 If I already have Tapo Care plan which hasn’t expired, can I buy an additional service? If so, when will the service begin and end?

Yes, the service will start as soon as you subscribe to the additional Tapo Care plan and last for 1 month or 1 year depending on the plan you choose from the day you subscribe to this Tapo Care plan.

After subscribing to Tapo Care

Q11 How do I confirm that my Tapo Care has been subscribed successfully?

After paying for the service, launch the TP-Link Tapo app, go to the Me ->Tapo Care page, you can find the validity of your Tapo Care plan here.

Or visit camera LiveView page, and you can see that the thumbnails of the cloud videos are now available under Playback & Download section.


Also, you can go to the Camera Settings page to enable Tapo Care premium features, such as Rich Notifications.

Q12 What can I do if the Tapo camera doesn't upload videos to cloud after Tapo Care is activated?

  • Click here to check whether the motion detection setting of the camera is activated.
  • Click here to check whether the camera has been added to the subscription through the following path: Me > Tapo Care >Select camera.
  • Click here to confirm if the signal strength of the camera is strong enough. If videos still can’t be uploaded normally at reduced resolution, partial video loss or discontinuity may occur. To ensure the camera can upload videos to the cloud normally, we also recommend not connecting too many devices to the home network at once.

If there is still no cloud recording, please contact TP-Link technical support.

Q13 How can I turn off auto-renewal for Tapo Care?

  • For Apple Pay: Turn it off in iCloud payments. The path is: Settings > iTunes Store and App Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Account Settings > Subscription.
  • For Google Pay: Turn it off in Google Play's payment function. The path is: Play Store > Sidebar > Subscription.
  • For PayPal or Credit Card: Visit, log in with your TP-Link ID, and cancel the subscription.

Note: If you use a Credit card as a payment method, you may be charged a foreign exchange fee by your credit card company when the charge currency differs from your credit card currency. TP-Link is not responsible for these additional charges.

Q14 When the Tapo APP is not running, can the Tapo camera continue to save recordings to the cloud server?

Yes, the settings are saved to the camera itself and the camera can still detect and record according to your settings as long as the Tapo camera has a stable internet connection.

Q15 How long will the camera record when using Tapo Care?

The maximum length of each clip is 3 minutes.

The length of the video clips is related to how long the objects in the video are moving. If no moving object is detected, the camera will stop recording.

Q16 Can I still access the videos stored in the cloud via Tapo APP after the Tapo Care plan has expired?

Yes, as long as the videos stored in the cloud are not been saved for more than 7/30 days, you can watch them normally at any time.

Q17 If my camera is broken or stolen, how can I access my cloud videos?

Log into Tapo APP with your TP-Link ID, and go to Me > Playback & Download >Cloud Video, you will be able to access your cloud videos which are not been saved for more than 7/30 days.

V18 Hoe kan ik opgenomen video's in de cloud downloaden of verwijderen?

U kunt video's verwijderen en downloaden via Ik > Afspelen en downloaden > Cloudvideo.

U kunt meerdere video's verwijderen door video's lang ingedrukt te houden of klik in de rechterbovenhoek op de knop met drie puntjes en vervolgens op Selecteren.

Ga naar Liveweergave > Afspelen en downloaden > Downloaden.

rovides cloud storage, rich notifications with snapshots, Smart Sort and other services. With the Tapo Care service, regardless of camera state, all detected events are recorded and a brief clip is saved to the cloud for 7/30 days for you to access at your leisure via Tapo APP.

The following are the differences after subscribing to Tapo Care:


Without Tapo Care

With Tapo Care

Live view

Instant notifications

Two-Way audio

Activity zones

Local storage

Motion detection

Person detection

Baby Crying*

Motion tracking*

Privacy zones*

Cloud video clip history


Rich notifications with snapshots


Weekly Report*


Video Summary*


Smart Sort*



*These functions may vary by product models, firmware, and Tapo Care plans. More devices will be supported soon.

Q2 What's the difference between the Basic and the Premium Tapo Care plan?


Basic Plan

Premium Plan

Available Regions/Countries

UK, Germany, Spain, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia

All Tapo Care supported countries

Cloud Storage

7 Days

30 Days

Supported Cameras

  1. 1 camera
  2. Up to 5 cameras
  1. 1 camera
  2. 2 cameras
  3. 3 cameras
  4. Up to 10 cameras


Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Before subscribing to Tapo Care

Q3 How to subscribe to Tapo Care.

To learn how to subscribe to the Tapo Care plan, please click here.

Q4 When the free trial of Tapo Care expires, will the camera automatically subscribe?

No, when the free service expires, it will be automatically canceled and you will not be charged. The Tapo Care subscription will begin only after you confirm on the app.

Q5 Can I cancel the Tapo Care Free Trial?

Yes, you can cancel the trial at any time during the trial period. After cancellation, the trial of the model cannot be resumed.

To get more details about Tapo Care Free Trial, please click here.

Q6 Is an SD card required to use Tapo Care?

No, Tapo Care doesn’t need an SD card. All the important moments will be saved in the cloud for 7/30 days.

Q7 If I have more than 1 Tapo camera, do I need to subscribe to Tapo Care for each of them?

No, you don’t. Tapo Care provides Basic and Premium plans to allow to add of multiple cameras into one Tapo Care plan.

For the Basic Plan, you can add 1-5 cameras.

For the Premium plan, you can add 1-3 cameras or up to 10 cameras.

Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Q8 Can I get a refund after purchasing Tapo Care?

If Tapo Care is actively canceled or terminated during the validity period, the subscription fee will not be refunded during the period. If you are a continuous subscription member, you can unsubscribe to Tapo Care and there will be no charge after your current billing cycle ends.

Click here to get more details.

Q9 Can an Apple ID/Google ID subscribe to more than one Tapo Care plan for a device?

No, one Apple ID / Google ID can only subscribe to one Tapo Care plan. If you need to subscribe to more Premium plans, please visit

Q10 If I already have Tapo Care plan which hasn’t expired, can I buy an additional service? If so, when will the service begin and end?

Yes, the service will start as soon as you subscribe to the additional Tapo Care plan and last for 1 month or 1 year depending on the plan you choose from the day you subscribe to this Tapo Care plan.

After subscribing to Tapo Care

Q11 How do I confirm that my Tapo Care has been subscribed successfully?

After paying for the service, launch the TP-Link Tapo app, go to the Me ->Tapo Care page, you can find the validity of your Tapo Care plan here.

Or visit camera LiveView page, and you can see that the thumbnails of the cloud videos are now available under Playback & Download section.


Also, you can go to the Camera Settings page to enable Tapo Care premium features, such as Rich Notifications.

Q12 What can I do if the Tapo camera doesn't upload videos to cloud after Tapo Care is activated?

  • Click here to check whether the motion detection setting of the camera is activated.
  • Click here to check whether the camera has been added to the subscription through the following path: Me > Tapo Care >Select camera.
  • Click here to confirm if the signal strength of the camera is strong enough. If videos still can’t be uploaded normally at reduced resolution, partial video loss or discontinuity may occur. To ensure the camera can upload videos to the cloud normally, we also recommend not connecting too many devices to the home network at once.

If there is still no cloud recording, please contact TP-Link technical support.

Q13 How can I turn off auto-renewal for Tapo Care?

  • For Apple Pay: Turn it off in iCloud payments. The path is: Settings > iTunes Store and App Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Account Settings > Subscription.
  • For Google Pay: Turn it off in Google Play's payment function. The path is: Play Store > Sidebar > Subscription.
  • For PayPal or Credit Card: Visit, log in with your TP-Link ID, and cancel the subscription.

Note: If you use a Credit card as a payment method, you may be charged a foreign exchange fee by your credit card company when the charge currency differs from your credit card currency. TP-Link is not responsible for these additional charges.

Q14 When the Tapo APP is not running, can the Tapo camera continue to save recordings to the cloud server?

Yes, the settings are saved to the camera itself and the camera can still detect and record according to your settings as long as the Tapo camera has a stable internet connection.

Q15 How long will the camera record when using Tapo Care?

The maximum length of each clip is 3 minutes.

The length of the video clips is related to how long the objects in the video are moving. If no moving object is detected, the camera will stop recording.

Q16 Can I still access the videos stored in the cloud via Tapo APP after the Tapo Care plan has expired?

Yes, as long as the videos stored in the cloud are not been saved for more than 7/30 days, you can watch them normally at any time.

Q17 If my camera is broken or stolen, how can I access my cloud videos?

Log into Tapo APP with your TP-Link ID, and go to Me > Playback & Download >Cloud Video, you will be able to access your cloud videos which are not been saved for more than 7/30 days.

Q18 How can I download or delete recorded videos from Cloud?

You can delete and download through Me > Playback & Download > Cloud Video.

You can remove several videos by long-pressing one of the cloud videos or click three dots button on the upper right corner then tap on Select.

To watch the downloaded videos, go to LiveView > Playback & Download > Download.

V19 Hoe kan ik de geldigheidsperiode van mijn Tapo Care-abonnement bekijken?

Uw Tapo Care-abonnement wordt automatisch verlengd aan het einde van de factureringscyclus, tenzij u ervoor kiest om het abonnement te annuleren. Na de annulering van Tapo Care kunt u de huidige geldigheidsperiode controleren in de Tapo app via Ik > Tapo Care.

torage, rich notifications with snapshots, Smart Sort and other services. With the Tapo Care service, regardless of camera state, all detected events are recorded and a brief clip is saved to the cloud for 7/30 days for you to access at your leisure via Tapo APP.

The following are the differences after subscribing to Tapo Care:


Without Tapo Care

With Tapo Care

Live view

Instant notifications

Two-Way audio

Activity zones

Local storage

Motion detection

Person detection

Baby Crying*

Motion tracking*

Privacy zones*

Cloud video clip history


Rich notifications with snapshots


Weekly Report*


Video Summary*


Smart Sort*



*These functions may vary by product models, firmware, and Tapo Care plans. More devices will be supported soon.

Q2 What's the difference between the Basic and the Premium Tapo Care plan?


Basic Plan

Premium Plan

Available Regions/Countries

UK, Germany, Spain, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia

All Tapo Care supported countries

Cloud Storage

7 Days

30 Days

Supported Cameras

  1. 1 camera
  2. Up to 5 cameras
  1. 1 camera
  2. 2 cameras
  3. 3 cameras
  4. Up to 10 cameras


Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Before subscribing to Tapo Care

Q3 How to subscribe to Tapo Care.

To learn how to subscribe to the Tapo Care plan, please click here.

Q4 When the free trial of Tapo Care expires, will the camera automatically subscribe?

No, when the free service expires, it will be automatically canceled and you will not be charged. The Tapo Care subscription will begin only after you confirm on the app.

Q5 Can I cancel the Tapo Care Free Trial?

Yes, you can cancel the trial at any time during the trial period. After cancellation, the trial of the model cannot be resumed.

To get more details about Tapo Care Free Trial, please click here.

Q6 Is an SD card required to use Tapo Care?

No, Tapo Care doesn’t need an SD card. All the important moments will be saved in the cloud for 7/30 days.

Q7 If I have more than 1 Tapo camera, do I need to subscribe to Tapo Care for each of them?

No, you don’t. Tapo Care provides Basic and Premium plans to allow to add of multiple cameras into one Tapo Care plan.

For the Basic Plan, you can add 1-5 cameras.

For the Premium plan, you can add 1-3 cameras or up to 10 cameras.

Tapo care plans can be different based on regions and areas, learn more about Tapo care plan in your area from Tapo Care website.

Q8 Can I get a refund after purchasing Tapo Care?

If Tapo Care is actively canceled or terminated during the validity period, the subscription fee will not be refunded during the period. If you are a continuous subscription member, you can unsubscribe to Tapo Care and there will be no charge after your current billing cycle ends.

Click here to get more details.

Q9 Can an Apple ID/Google ID subscribe to more than one Tapo Care plan for a device?

No, one Apple ID / Google ID can only subscribe to one Tapo Care plan. If you need to subscribe to more Premium plans, please visit

Q10 If I already have Tapo Care plan which hasn’t expired, can I buy an additional service? If so, when will the service begin and end?

Yes, the service will start as soon as you subscribe to the additional Tapo Care plan and last for 1 month or 1 year depending on the plan you choose from the day you subscribe to this Tapo Care plan.

After subscribing to Tapo Care

Q11 How do I confirm that my Tapo Care has been subscribed successfully?

After paying for the service, launch the TP-Link Tapo app, go to the Me ->Tapo Care page, you can find the validity of your Tapo Care plan here.

Or visit camera LiveView page, and you can see that the thumbnails of the cloud videos are now available under Playback & Download section.


Also, you can go to the Camera Settings page to enable Tapo Care premium features, such as Rich Notifications.

Q12 What can I do if the Tapo camera doesn't upload videos to cloud after Tapo Care is activated?

  • Click here to check whether the motion detection setting of the camera is activated.
  • Click here to check whether the camera has been added to the subscription through the following path: Me > Tapo Care >Select camera.
  • Click here to confirm if the signal strength of the camera is strong enough. If videos still can’t be uploaded normally at reduced resolution, partial video loss or discontinuity may occur. To ensure the camera can upload videos to the cloud normally, we also recommend not connecting too many devices to the home network at once.

If there is still no cloud recording, please contact TP-Link technical support.

Q13 How can I turn off auto-renewal for Tapo Care?

  • For Apple Pay: Turn it off in iCloud payments. The path is: Settings > iTunes Store and App Store > Apple ID > View Apple ID > Account Settings > Subscription.
  • For Google Pay: Turn it off in Google Play's payment function. The path is: Play Store > Sidebar > Subscription.
  • For PayPal or Credit Card: Visit, log in with your TP-Link ID, and cancel the subscription.

Note: If you use a Credit card as a payment method, you may be charged a foreign exchange fee by your credit card company when the charge currency differs from your credit card currency. TP-Link is not responsible for these additional charges.

Q14 When the Tapo APP is not running, can the Tapo camera continue to save recordings to the cloud server?

Yes, the settings are saved to the camera itself and the camera can still detect and record according to your settings as long as the Tapo camera has a stable internet connection.

Q15 How long will the camera record when using Tapo Care?

The maximum length of each clip is 3 minutes.

The length of the video clips is related to how long the objects in the video are moving. If no moving object is detected, the camera will stop recording.

Q16 Can I still access the videos stored in the cloud via Tapo APP after the Tapo Care plan has expired?

Yes, as long as the videos stored in the cloud are not been saved for more than 7/30 days, you can watch them normally at any time.

Q17 If my camera is broken or stolen, how can I access my cloud videos?

Log into Tapo APP with your TP-Link ID, and go to Me > Playback & Download >Cloud Video, you will be able to access your cloud videos which are not been saved for more than 7/30 days.

Q18 How can I download or delete recorded videos from Cloud?

You can delete and download through Me > Playback & Download > Cloud Video.

You can remove several videos by long-pressing one of the cloud videos or click three dots button on the upper right corner then tap on Select.

To watch the downloaded videos, go to LiveView > Playback & Download > Download.

Q19 How can I check the validity period of my Tapo Care?

Your Tapo Care will automatically renew at the end of the billing cycle unless you choose to cancel the subscription. After cancellation of Tapo Care, please check your current validity period in Me > Tapo Care of the Tapo app.

V20 Kan ik mijn Tapo Care-abonnement overdragen aan een ander Tapo-apparaat?

Ja, open de TP-Link Tapo app, ga naar Ik > Tapo Care en tik op Camera selecteren op de abonnementkaart om een ander apparaat te kiezen.


V21 Kan ik mijn Tapo Care-abonnement overdragen aan een andere TP-Link ID?

Nee, want Tapo Care is gekoppeld aan uw TP-Link ID en camera's. Als u uw camera's ontkoppelt en opnieuw koppelt aan een andere TP-Link ID, worden de Tapo Care-service en de cloudvideo's niet overgedragen. U moet opnieuw een Tapo Care-abonnement afsluiten met een nieuw account.

V22 Hoe kan ik mijn basisabonnement van Tapo Care upgraden naar een premiumabonnement als ik al een ander premiumabonnement heb?

Selecteer het premiumabonnement in de Tapo app of op de Tapo Care-website en klik op Nu upgraden. De oorspronkelijke abonnementsprijs wordt terugbetaald, afhankelijk van het kanaal waarmee u het Tapo Care-abonnement hebt afgesloten.

V23 Biedt Tapo Care ondersteuning voor 24/7 continue opnamen?

Nee, maar u kunt 24/7 continue opnamen inschakelen door middel van een SD-kaart of NAS.

Klik hier voor meer informatie.


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