Fim da Vida

Protetor Contra Sobrecargas

  • Protege o dispositivo contra relâmpagos e picos elétricos
  • Livre de Manutenção
  • Macho N para Fêmea

What This Product Does

The Surge Protector protects your network from lightning strikes and electrical surges. It is compatible with devices that have N-Type connectors. Use the Surge Protector to connect a wireless device, to an external antenna and protect your entire network from catastrophic electrical surges.
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Frequency 2.4~2.5GHz
Impedance 50Ω Nominal
VSWR(MAX.) 1.3:1 Max.
Rating Voltage 1000V
Conductor Resistance 1mΩ
Insulative Resistance 5000mΩ
Medium Voltage 2500V
Connector Type N Male to Female
Operating Temp. -10℃~+60℃
Storage Temp. -40℃~+80℃

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