Download para TC40 V2

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IMPORTANTE: A versão do modelo e de hardware varia de acordo com a região (EU/US). Consulte o site TP-Link da região correcta de acordo com a origem do produto.

Vídeo de Configuração

  • How to Set Up Your Outdoor Pan&Tilt Security Wi-Fi Camera (Tapo C500/TC40/Tapo C510W)

    Tapo Outdoor Security Wi-Fi Camera is a full-featured weatherproof security camera that you can access from anywhere. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Moreover, the automatic siren system will trigger light and sound to frighten away unwanted visitors after the camera detects motion. Finally local storage with a microSD card provides security, convenience, and peace of mind. Day or night, rain or shine, the Tapo camera protects what you love most.

  • How to Mount Your Outdoor Pan&Tilt Security Wi-Fi Camera (Tapo C500/TC40/Tapo C510W/Tapo C520WS)

    Tapo Outdoor Security Wi-Fi Camera is a full-featured weatherproof security camera that you can access from anywhere. High resolution videos deliver crystal-clear images while smart motion detection and instant notifications make sure you never miss a thing. Moreover, the automatic siren system will trigger light and sound to frighten away unwanted visitors after the camera detects motion. Finally local storage with a microSD card provides security, convenience, and peace of mind. Day or night, rain or shine, the Tapo camera protects what you love most.



Nota Sobre a Versão do Firmware

Consulte o endereço FAQ para atualizar o firmware..

Código GPL