Common questions about the TP-Link smart bulb product series

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Q1: Qual é o tipo de base e tamanho da lâmpada adotado pela lâmpada inteligente TP-Link Kasa?

R: Para a série LB1xx/KL1xx e a versão KL50/KL60 US, eles adotam o tamanho da lâmpada padrão A19 e o tamanho da base padrão E26.

Para a versão dos EUA da série LB2xx, eles adotam o tamanho da lâmpada BR30 e o tamanho da base E26.

Para a versão UE das séries LB1xx/KL1xx e KL50/KL60, eles adotam o tamanho da lâmpada A19 e o tamanho da base E27.

Além disso, KL110B, KL130B e KL50B/KL60B que adotam tamanho de lâmpada padrão A19 com tamanho de base B22 estão disponíveis para a versão UE.


P2: As lâmpadas inteligentes podem ser usadas em uma luminária fechada?

A: Unfortunately no. Enclosed fixtures that don’t allow for proper ventilation can drastically affect the temperature of the LED bulb, causing it to overheat and shortening the lifespan of the bulb.


Q3: Do I need a Smart Switch to work with the Smart Bulb?

A: No, after configured the smart bulb successfully, we can control the smart bulb with Kasa app directly. No extra device is required to control the smart bulb.


Q4: Can Alexa "group" the bulbs together if the light fixture has multiple Smart Bulbs in it? How does that work?
A: Yes, for multiple bulbs in the same fixture you would first setup the bulbs individually through the Kasa app. You will also need to give each bulb its own unique name. Once you have them configured you would then add them to Alexa. After they are added in the Alexa, you can then create a “group” for the fixture.

By the way, the Kasa app has the Group function as well, for details instruction, please click on How to use the Grouping feature in Kasa app. The Group on Kasa app can’t be detected by Alexa, so you can’t use Alexa to control the Kasa Group.


Q5: If I get multicolor bulbs, can Kasa manage them all as one array? I would like to change their color in one action rather than separate actions.
A: Yes, you can set them up together as a scene in Kasa. For details please refer to How to use creating scene function in KASA APP?


Q6: Can these lights be dimmable by Alexa/Google Assistant? How dim will it go?
A: Yes, our Smart Bulbs are dimmable by Kasa/Alexa/Google Assistant. It can be dimmed to 1%.


Q7: Can Alexa/Google Assistant change the color for Smart Bulbs?

A: Yes, Alexa/Google Assistant can change the color of the colorful smart bulb (Like the LB130, LB230, KL130). And for all the Smart Bulbs, we can change the brightness and turn them on/off via Kasa/Alexa/Google Assistant.


Q8: Does the smart bulb shut down completely when you turn the light off in Kasa? How much energy does it consume when it’s in the standby mode?

A: When light goes out, the bulb switches to standby mode. The standby mode power consumption varies, please refer to the product specification on the official website for details.

Q9: Will Smart Bulbs work with a dimmer?

A: No, the smart bulb is not standard dimmable bulb, so it can’t work with dimmer. However, you can adjust the brightness on Smart Bulbs themselves through the Kasa app, or you can adjust the brightness via voice command with Alexa/Google Assistant.


Q10: What is the expected life of the bulb?

A: For LB100, it is expected to last for about 15000 hours based on lab testing; for the other models higher, it is 25000 hours. Since it is a smart bulb, the network and electrical environment may both affect the product life.


Q11: How do I reset the Smart Wi-Fi LED Bulb to factory defaults?

R: Por favor clique aqui para obter detalhes.


Q12: Posso usar minha lâmpada Smart Light fora da região onde a comprei?

R: As lâmpadas TP-Link Smart são projetadas para funcionar especificamente na região em que foram adquiridas. Antes de tentar usá-las em outras regiões, verifique a tensão nominal impressa no dispositivo. Os danos causados ​​pelo uso da lâmpada desta maneira podem anular a garantia do produto.

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