Conhecer melhor a aplicação Tapo e as Camera

Requisito de Aplicação do Utilizador
Atualizado04-29-2022 14:31:11 PM Number of views for this article233811
O artigo aplica-se a: 

Este artigo serve para que consiga encontrar facilmente as funções da câmara Tapo na App. 


Funções comuns:

Definições da câmara

Modo Dia/Noite

Modo Privacidade

Tapo Care

Deteção & Alertas

Deteção de Movimento

Alarme da Câmara

Para câmaras de exterior:

Linha de Deteção de Movimento

Área de Deteção de Movimento

Área de Deteção de Movimentog

Tapo Care:

Notificações de Atividade Enriquecidas

Deteção AI

Seguir Movimento - só para câmaras que podem mudar a orientação

Máscara de Privacidade


A Minha Casa

Ações Inteligentes


A Minha Casa:


Podemos clicar num dos dispositivos na App Tapo para ver a sua informação detalhada.

Por exemplo, podemos clicar na Câmara C200, e ver a filmagem em direto dessa câmara. In this page, we can use talk or voice call function to communicate with our families. We can switch Day/Night mode, enable/disable privacy mode, check the playback&Memory, turn on the Alarm or adjust the volume.

You may click the following title to get a related page.

① Camera settings

② Playback & Memory

③Tapo Care


① Camera settings: In this page, we can check the camera info, change location, time zone, invert image, check the SD card status, etc.


Privacy Mask: When enabled, the custom privacy mask zones cannot be viewed or monitored to protect your privacy. *Currently, a camera can add up to 4 block areas

You may click the following title and then go to the related page.

1-1 Detection& Alert

1-2 micro SD Card

1-3 Advanced Settings


1-1 Detection& Alert


You may click the following title and then go to the related page.

1-1-1 Motion detection

1-1-2 AI detection

1-1-3 Line-Crossing Detection

1-1-4 Area Intrusion Detection

1-1-5 Camera Tampering

1-1-6 Activity Notifications

1-1-7 Camera Alarm


1-1-1 We can adjust the activity zone and Motion sensitivity in Motion detection page


1-1-2 AI detection:AI detection includes Baby crying and Person Detection. You will receive real-time alerts when people come into your camera's view when the person detection enabled.


Person Detection is included with 3MP/4MP cameras

Baby Crying Detection is for the indoor cameras only.

1-1-3 Line-Crossing Detection: Set a boundary and receive a notification anytime a person crosses it from either or both directions.

1-1-4 Area Intrusion Detection: Set an activity zone and receive a notification when a person enters the zone.

1-1-5 Camera Tampering: Receive a notification when someone obstructs the camera.


1-1-6 Activity Notifications: Push notifications to your phone when your camera detects activities.

Rich Notifications: Whenever your Tapo Cam detects a person, you’ll be alerted with a push notification featuring a snapshot of the detected activity, letting you decide at a glance if you need to respond now or later.

1-1-7 Camera Alarm: Set the camera to trigger a light/sound alarm when it detects activity. Alarm type includes sound, light, or sound&light.


1-2 micro SD Card: In the page, we can check the SD card status and enable loop recording function.


1-3 Advanced Settings: There are many advanced settings such as, privacy mode, record audio, power line frequency, On-screen display settings and diagnostics.

On the on-screen display settings page, we can turn on/off display timestamp, text, or logo.


② Playback&Memory

If you inserted the SD card and enabled SD card recording, you will see the playback in this page. The yellow part is the motion detection clip. All the motion detect clips for today will be shown in the activity list.

All the videos and screenshots which you manually recorded on the live view page will be saved in the memory part.

③ Tapo Care is a paid service package launched by TP-Link for Tapo Camera video cloud storage.


Smart Action part:




Me part:


①My account

②Camera Memory

③Voice control

④Device sharing


⑥Widget settings

⑦Camera preferences



My account: In this page, we can change the account name and password.


Camera Memory: All the videos and screenshots which you manually recorded on the live view page will be saved in the memory part.


Click Filter Icon, we can filter the camera memory via camera, type or preference.

Click Edit Icon, we can share, favorite, download or remove your camera memory.

Voice control:Use Alexa or google assistant to control your Tapo devices by voice.


Device sharing:In the page, we can check shared devices or unshared devices. We can also see the devices from others have been shared with us.




⑥Widget settings:With widgets, you can conveniently control your Tapo devices from the Home screen on your mobile phone.

Camera preferences: You may enable or disable the Live or speed tag.

About : In this page, we can check the APP version.

For Pan& Tilt camera:

Motion Tracking: A subscription to Tapo Care allows your camera to track motion so you can even follow your pet’s every action when you’re at work.


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