Download pentru Archer C8
- Product Overview
- Documente
USB_Printer_Controller_Utility_Mac |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2022-02-21 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 1.75 MB |
Sistem de Operare: Mac OS 10.15/11.x/12.x |
USB_Printer_Controller_Utility_Mac |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2018-10-29 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 2.53 MB |
Sistem de Operare: Mac OS 10.9-10.14 |
USB_Printer_Controller_Utility_Windows |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2016-11-03 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 14.6 MB |
Sistem de Operare: WinXP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 |
Setup Video
How to Resolve Double NAT using Starlink
How to Configure a TP-Link Router with Starlink
How to Set up Address Reservation on TP-Link Routers Windows
This video will show you how to set up Address Reservation on TP-Link routers.
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How to Set up OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers Windows
This video will show you how to set up OpenVPN on a TP-Link Wi-Fi router. For more information, visit
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How to setup PPTP VPN on TP Link routers Windows
This video will show you how to set up PPTP VPN on a TP-Link Wi-Fi router. For more information, visit
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What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a DSL modem and a TP-Link router
If you can’t access the internet using a DSL modem and TP-Link router, this video can help you solve the problem.
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What should I do if I cannot access the internet? - Using a cable modem and a TP-Link router
If you can’t access the internet using a cable modem and TP-Link router, follow this video step by step to solve your problem.
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How to turn a router into an Access Point?
How to change the Wi-Fi settings on TP-Link router
- Why do I receive a "We Noticed a New Login" email?
- Why did I receive an email titled "Potential Vulnerabilities Detected in Your Account"?
- Ce este un ID TP-Link?
- How to set up Remote Management on the Wi-Fi Routers (new logo)
- How to share network on Tether App
- What should I do if fail to upgrade the firmware of my TP-Link router?
- Brief introduction of Wireless Channel, Channel Width and DFS
- Can't access my USB drive plugged into TP-Link router
- Cum actualizez versiunea firmware pe routerele wireless TP-Link? (Interfața Albastră)
- Why my TP-Link Router gets a WAN IP from the modem but no internet access(new designed blue UI)?
- Why cannot I access the internet after successfully connected to the TP-Link router’s wireless network (new designed blue UI)?
- How to use the WDS Bridging function of Archer C9, C50_V2 to extend my wireless network
- How to set up system time of Wi-Fi Routers (new designed blue UI)
- How to Set up Parental Controls of Wi-Fi Routers (new designed blue UI)
- How to Set up Parental Controls of Archer C9_V1, C8, C5_V2, C1900
- What should I do if the email shows that the link expired when I register cloud account or reset my password?
- Cum găsesc adresa IP a unui router TP-Link?
- How to change wireless settings of TP-Link wireless router on Tether APP
- How to use Iperf to test the speed on TP-Link routers
- Cum să îmbunătățiți viteza sau acoperirea wireless?
- De ce nu pot accesa
- Cum pot accesa Pagina de Management a unui router wireless TP-Link?
- Can TP-Link router be configured using screen reader and pure keyboard operation?
- How to turn off the QoS feature on TP-Link Router
- How to register a TP-Link cloud account for my TP-Link wireless router to manage it remotely (New Logo)
- Cum pot bloca sau debloca un dispozitiv din rețeaua mea Wi-Fi prin aplicația Tether?
- What is the TP-Link Router Alexa Skill and how do I use it?
- Cum transform un router wireless TP-Link 11N într-un Access Point wireless(noul logo)?
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router on web management page
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router on Tether APP
- How to choose right TP-Link product for your internet service
- Should I use Dynamic IP or PPPoE?
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router with Singtel on web management page
- How to setup TP-Link Wi-Fi Router with Singtel on Tether App
- Cum resetez produsele TP-Link prin butonul WPS/RESET pentru a îl aduce la setările de fabrică?
- De ce TP-Link necesită adresa mea de e-mail?
- How to set up an IPv6 Internet connection on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers
- What should I do if the internet light is off or there is an error message “ WAN Port Unplugged” on the TP-Link router page?
- Why port forwarding feature is not working on my Wi-Fi router or Deco?
- The Weak Security and Privacy Warning on the iOS14 or iOS15
- Troubleshooting Guide of DDNS function on TP-Link Wi-Fi Router, LTE Gateway Router or Deco Router
- How to connect TP-Link router with Starlink
- Despre OneMesh™ și Deco Mesh
- What should I do if my internet connection is slow?
- How to recover the router when it bricked
- What should I do if the LED of TP-Link router is abnormal?
- How to Establish a VPN Connection on TP-Link Wi-Fi Router
- How to Create Static Routing on TP-Link Routers
- Care sunt întrebările frecvente despre viteza routerelor TP-Link?
- Brief introduction of cloud functions on TP-Link wireless router(New Logo)
- Why cannot I find my wireless networks?
- Cum configurez DDNS TP-Link pe routerele wireless TP-Link? (Noul Logo)
- How to configure Parental Controls on the Wi-Fi Routers (case 2)
- How to use Pi-Hole DNS Server on TP-Link routers
- Cum se activează funcţia de partajare în reţea pe TL-WR1043ND?
- What should I do if wireless connection cannot work on TP-Link Wi-Fi router?
- Cum să configurezi serviciul de IPv6 pe Archer C8, Archer C9 și Archer C5 V2
- How to set up IPv6 service for some specific ISP like BT/Hyperoptic or SKY etc on the wireless router
- How to set up QoS using TP-Link Wi-Fi router
- How to set up QoS on the TP-Link Wi-Fi router that doesn’t support HomeCare function
- How to configure basic wireless settings of TP-Link 11AC router (new logo)
- How do I share a USB drive on my Archer C8, C9, C5 V2, router?
- How to setup and use the FTP Server Function on the Archer C8, C9, C5 V2 router
- How to setup and use the FTP Server Function on the Wi-Fi router(new designed blue UI)
- What can I do if I forget the password of my cloud account bound to the TP-Link wireless router?
- How to Avoid Double NAT When DSL Modem Router and Wireless Router are Used Together
- How to configure TP-Link Wi-Fi router to work with a DSL modem(new designed blue UI)
- How to configure Dynamic IP or Static IP on the TP-Link Wi-Fi router to work with a Cable/Fiber modem or a community network(new designed blue UI)
- How to enable Media Sharing on the Archer C8, C9, C5 V2, router
- How to share and access files on your local network drive through the Archer C8, C9, C5 V2 router
- How to configure an IP address reservation on the Archer C8 , C5 V2, router
- How to configure Guest Network on the Archer C8, C9, C5 V2, router
- Cum configurez și partajez o imprimantă pe rețeaua locală cu funcția Print Server a dispozitivului TP-Link? (MAC OS)
- How to share a printer on your local network through the Archer C8, C9, C5 V2, router
- How to set up DDNS (No-IP) on the Archer C8 , C5 V2, TD-W9970 router
- How to set up DDNS (DynDNS) on the Archer C8, C5 V2, TD-W9970 router
- How to set up Wake-on-LAN on wireless router
- How to share and access files on your local network drive through the TP-Link Wi-Fi router (new designed blue UI)
- How to enable Media Sharing on the Wi-Fi router(new designed blue UI)
- How to setup TP-Link wireless router with Unifi IPTV (new designed blue UI)
- How to set up system time of Archer C9_V1, C8, C5_V2, C1900
- Cum se configurează un Router Wi-Fi AC ca punct de acces (noua interfață albastră)?
- Cum configurez Port Triggering pe un router TP-Link (noul logo)?
- Cum să configurez Access Control pe un router TP-Link?
- Cum configurez IP&MAC Binding pe routere Wi-Fi (noul logo)?
- Port forwarding: how to set up virtual server on TP-Link 11ac archer series wireless router?
- Cum facem aplicațiile să treacă peste restricțiile de port, prin DMZ (noul logo)?
- Cum pot face jocurile online Xbox să ruleze fără probleme folosind UPnP (noul logo)?
- How to use PPTP VPN to access your home network through the Wi-Fi Routers (new logo)
- How to configure Wi-Fi Routers to support IPTV service on the Wi-Fi Routers (new logo)
- How to set up System Time of the Wi-Fi Routers (new logo)
- How to test the network connectivity using Diagnostics on the Wi-Fi Routers (new logo)
- Cum controlez LED-urile routerelor Wi-Fi (noul logo)?
- How to recover the login password in case you forget it (new logo)
- Cum limitez accesul la routerul Wi-Fi din LAN (noul logo)?
- Cum configurez Address Reservation pe routere Wi-Fi (noul logo)?
- How to Change the DNS servers on the wireless router and DSL modem router (New UI)
- How to Upgrade the Firmware on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers (New Logo)
- Cum se realizează adăugarea la rețeaua OneMesh , a unui Range Extender deja configurat?
- How to configure your TP-Link Wireless router with CenturyLink’s fiber service (new logo)
- How to Upgrade the Firmware on the TP-Link Wi-Fi Routers
- What should I do if VPN doesn't work on Wi-Fi Router?
- Ce este funcția TP-Link Smart Connect și cum o poți activa?
- What should I do if Wi-Fi calling cannot work through TP-Link wireless router?
- How to configure IPTV function on wireless router (For new logo)?
- What should I do if I cannot access printer/internal server after changing the router
- Ce pot face în cazul în care routerul meu se închide și se deschide singur?
- Only the wired connection or wireless connection is not working
- What should I do if I cannot open specific websites?
- What should I do if I can’t log into web-based interface of my TP-Link device?
- Ce pot să fac dacă am uitat parola de autentificare a unui router wireless TP-Link?
- What should I do if I cannot find my wireless network or I cannot connect the wireless network ?
- What should I do if I cannot access the internet through Wi-Fi router?
- Ce pot face dacă rețeaua wireless este instabilă prin routerul/modemul meu wireless?
- Port forwarding: how to set up virtual server on TP-Link wireless router?
- Care sunt diferențele dintre conturile cloud Admin & User pe routerul wireless TP-Link?
- Changing Channel and Channel Width on a TP-Link Router (new logo)
- How do I configure MAC Address Clone on my TP-Link Archer Router?
- How to configure VLAN ID for your internet connection on wireless router (For new logo)
- How do I install TP-Link Archer router to work with a Cable Modem ?
- How do I install TP-Link Archer router to work with a DSL Modem?
- How to configure WDS Bridging on the Archer C8_V1&V2, C9_V1, C5 V2,C1900 V1
- Why my Wi-Fi Router cannot get WAN parameters from my modem (new designed blue UI)?
- Troubleshooting: Unstable connection on the TP-Link router
- Fragment and Forge vulnerabilities(FragAttacks) Statement
- De ce s-a schimbat numele implicit al rețelei wireless/SSID după actualizarea firmware-ului?
- How to configure VLAN ID for your internet connection on wireless router (For new Blue UI)?
- How to configure IPTV function on wireless router (For new blue UI)?
- What can I do if my 2.4GHz WiFi gets into trouble with a hard disk drive plugged into the USB 3.0 port of a TP-Link wireless router?
O actualizare firmware poate rezolva problemele pe care versiunea anterioară a firmware-ului le poate avea și îmbunătăţeşte performanțele curente.
Pentru Actualizare
IMPORTANT: Pentru a preveni o actualizare efectuată greşit, te rugăm să citeşti procesul de actualizare, înainte de a continua.
- Verifică versiunea hardware a dispozitivului pentru versiunea de firmware corespunzătoare. O actualizare de firmware greșită poate duce la deteriorarea dispozitivului și anularea garanției. (În mod normal, v1.x = V1) Cum pot afla versiunea hardware a unui dispozitiv TP-Link?
- NU actualiza firmware-ul care nu este pentru regiunea ta. Apăsă aici pentru a alege regiunea și descărcă versiunea de firmware cea mai potrivită. (De exemplu. Firmware-ul UE și US sunt pentru diferite versiuni hardware)
- NU opri alimentarea dispozitivului în timpul procesului de actualizare, deoarece poate provoca deteriorarea permanentă a produsului.
- NU efectua procedura de upgrade firmware prin conexiune wireless cu excepția cazului în care dispozitivul TP-Link are doar conexiune wireless.
- Este recomandat să opreşti toate aplicațiile cu acces la Internet de pe computer, sau pur și simplu deconectați Internet-ul de la dispozitiv înainte de actualizare.
- Utilizează un software de decompresie WinZIP sau WinRAR pentru a extrage fișierul descărcat, înainte de actualizare.
Archer C8(UN)_V1_160517 |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2016-05-17 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 14.72 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: New Features/Enhancement:1. Adopted a new user interface, which is more concise and easier to use; 2. Added the language selection menu in the up right corner; 3. Added the management web UI for smart phones; 4. Added the options for SIP ALG function; 5. Optimized the IPv6 function. Notes: 1. Old firmware’s configuration file cannot be imported into this new firmware2. Your device’s configuration will be lost after upgrading, which means you need to configure your device again. |
Archer C8_V1_150515 |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2015-05-15 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 10.87 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: 1. New Features/Enhancement: Notes: For Archer C8(UN) V1 |
Archer C8_V1_150316 |
Download | |
Data publicării: 2015-03-16 | Limba: Engleză | Dimensiune Fişier: 10.86 MB |
Modifications and Bug Fixes: New Features/Enhancement: 1.Improved stability and performance with Tether APP. 2.Improved the IPv6 support function, and added the support for 48&56 bit prefix. 3.Optimized the stability of wireless. 4.Added the support with special character”_” of username and password. 5.Improved the performance of USB module especially for NTFS format and added support for exfat, hfsplus system. Bug Fixed: 1.Fixed the directory traversal security bug. 2.Fixed a bug that ES File Explorer cannot access the USB file sharing with password. 3.Fixed a bug that NAT loopback failure. Notes: For Archer C8 |
Utilizarea versiunilor firmware terțe în produsele TP-Link
Anumite versiuni de firmware pentru produsele TP-Link pot fi înlocuite cu versiuni firmware dezvoltate de terțe părți, de exemplu DD-WRT. TP-Link nu oferă suport tehnic și nu garantează performanța și stabilitatea versiunilor de firmware dezvoltate de terțe părți. Defecțiunile produselor cauzate de utilizarea unui firmware dezvoltat de o terță parte conduce la pierderea garanției.
Cod open source pentru programatori (GPL)
Următoarele informații sunt pentru programatori și nu sunt necesare pentru majoritatea utilizatorilor casnici TP-Link.
Produsele TP-Link conțin parțial cod software dezvoltat de către terți, inclusiv codul software supus GNU General Public Licence ("GPL"), Versiunea 1/Versiunea 2/Versiunea 3 sau GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). Ai dreptul să utilizezi software-ul respectiv dacă respecți termenii licenței GPL.
Ai posibilitatea să examinezi, să listezi și să descarci respectivii termenii ai licenței GPL de aici. Vei primi codurile sursă GPL ale software-ului respectiv utilizat în produsele TP-Link pentru a descărca direct și informații suplimentare, inclusiv o listă a software-ului TP-Link, care conține cod software GPL sub Centrul coduri GPL.
Programele respective sunt distribuite FĂRĂ NICI O GARANȚIE; chiar fără garanția implicită de COMERCIALIZARE sau de POTRIVIRE PENTRU UN ANUMIT SCOP. A se vedea, respectiva Licență Publică Generală GNU pentru mai multe detalii.

- TP-Link Tether
TP-Link Tether provides the easiest way to access and manage your network with your iOS or Android devices. Learn more about TP-Link Tether and Compatible Devices
Note: To use Tether, please update your TP-Link device's firmware to the latest version.
Versiune Firmware |
Working Mode |
Limba |
140815 |
- |
Engleză |
1. The emulator is a virtual web GUI where you can experience the TP-Link product management panel.
2. The listed emulators might not have the latest firmware.
3. The features displayed are for reference, and their availability may depend on local regulations. For more information, please refer to the datasheet or product page.