Why my smart plug cannot connect to WEP encryption WiFi?
Please refer to the link below to connect your TP-Link Smart Plug to your home network via Kasa:
How to connect my TP-Link Smart Plug to my home network via Kasa?
If you choose WEP encryption for your home network, you may encounter the problem at the last step as bellow:
1. Failed to connect to your home network, even you tried many times
2. When you input your Wi-Fi password for your Smart Plug, it will prompt “Please enter a network that is 5 or 13 characters long” error message which stops the connecting step.
The root reason for this problem is our smart plug can only connect to 5 or 13 characters long password Wi-Fi when you choose WEP encryption for your router.
Here we use TL-WR843N WEP encryption as example:
1. In “wireless” setting and in “wireless security”, you can find WEP encryption.
2. Here are three options: “Type”, “WEP Key Format”, and “Key Type”.
3. In “WEP key Format” if you choose “Hexadecimal”, the Key format must be 10(64 bit), 26(128 bit) or 32(152 bit) characters.
4. In “WEP key Format” if you choose “ASCII”, the Key format must be 5(64 bit), 13(128 bit) or 16(152 bit) characters.
In the other words, our Smart Plug can only accept WEP ASCII 64bit and 128bit encryption when you choose WEP for your Wi-Fi.
By the way, as the statement in our Wi-Fi security setting, we don’t recommend you using WEP encryption. It is more secure if you choose WPA/WPA2, and our smart plug can accept it.
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