How to create a TP-Link Cloud Account on Kasa (for Kasa App 2.7 or above)
TP-Link Cloud account can be used on both Kasa App and tpCamera. If you want to remotely control the smart device at home, you have to register a cloud account.
- Open Kasa App on your smart phone.
- If this is your first time to use the Kasa App, please navigate to step 4.
- If you have configured your Smart Plug via Kasa before but you didn’t create the TP-Link cloud account, you need to:
2. Tap the three lines icon.
3. Then you’ll see “Log in or Create Account”, please tap it to continue.
4. Click “Create Account” to input your E-mail address and password, select your location, then tap “Create Account”.
Note: Password can be a combination of letters, numbers or valid symbols on mobile phone between 6-30 characters.
Read Kasa Terms of Use, and tap Create Account.
5. You’ll receive an activation e-mail, now please click “Click to Registration” in yellow background. After it is activated successfully, Kasa APP will be automatically logged in with your account.
Note: If you fail to activate or receive activation e-mail, please click “RESEND EMAIl”.
6. After logging in, you will see that your account is “View Account”.
Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.
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