How to Identify Different Wires by Their Colors

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Дата последнего обновления: 12-28-2023 06:01:55 AM Number of views for this article8994
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Wire colors are usually based on a model code designated by a national or international standards organization. This table only lists the most commonly used ones in the US and it does not cover all the scenarios. It is highly recommended to identify wires with voltage detectors. If you are unsure, please consult a qualified electrician.

Region or Country

Phases(L, L1/L2/L3)


Protective Earth/Ground

United States ( NEC)

120, 208 or 240V

Black, Red, Dark Blue

277 or 480V

Blown, Orange, Yellow

White, Grey

Green& Yellow, Green

More is coming soon.

CAUTION: The color codes listed may differ from your local situation. Please refer to local wire codes before wiring.

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