How to configure DoH & DoT on your Deco
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DoH (DNS over HTTPS) and DoT (DNS over TLS) are two methods that enhance the security and privacy of DNS queries in network communications.
Follow the steps below to configure DoH & DoT in the Deco app (iOS or Android).
- Features may vary from different Deco models.
- The steps may vary depending on your device's operation system. Here, we take the iOS system as an example.
1. Open Deco app, go to More > Advanced > DoH&DoT.
2. Enable DoH & DoT.
3. Select a DNS Privacy (DoH or DoT).
- DoH: Encrypts DNS queries within HTTPS traffic, making them indistinguishable from regular web traffic and difficult to monitor.
- DoT: Uses a dedicated TLS connection for DNS messages, ensuring they are secure from eavesdropping and tampering.
4. Select a DNS Mode.
- Default Mode (Recommended): If Deco detects that the chosen DNS servers are unavailable, the primary and secondary DNS configured in the Internet Connection settings will be used.
- Secure Mode: If Deco detects that the chosen DNS servers are unavailable, the connected devices will be unable to access the internet.
5. Add a DNS Server. Up to three DNS servers can be added.
- Enter DNS Server Address: Manually enter the DNS servers you want to add.
- Select DNS Server: Select DNS servers from the list of commonly used DoH/DoT servers.
6. Tap Detect to test the server connection. Your Deco will then automatically verify the availability of the added servers.
7. Tap Save to apply the DoH & DoT settings to the DNS servers.
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