How to add VIGI devices on VIGI Cloud VMS
VIGI Cloud VMS provides centralized cloud management for VIGI Cameras, VIGI NVRs, and VIGI Solar Panels. This article describes how to add VIGI devices to VIGI Cloud VMS.
- VIGI Cloud VMS
By hosting the server in the cloud, VIGI Cloud VMS can help achieve centralized cloud management for VIGI devices across multiple sites. Devices can be added in three ways:
Auto Discover: Automatically scan and add VIGI devices in the same subnet when the management PC and VIGI devices are in the same network.
Manually Add: Add devices by SN or Device ID when the PC and VIGI devices are not in the same network but the devices are connected to the internet.
Import: To add devices in batches, import a list of device SNs or Device IDs into VIGI VMS for batch addition.
Step 1. Log in to the VIGI Cloud VMS web portal (, select the site and go to the Devices page.
Step 2. Click Add and select the Auto Discover mode. With VIGI VMS Web Player installed, the system will automatically scan VIGI devices in the same subnet as the PC.
Step 3. Select the site and devices, and click Apply. Enter the device’s username and password.
Step 4. If the device is not initialized, continue the step to complete the initialization. If the device is already initialized, skip this step.
Step 5. Done.
Step 1. Log in to the VIGI Cloud VMS web portal (, select the site and go to the Devices page.
Step 2. Click Add and select the Manually Add mode.
Step 3. Get the device’s SN or Device ID from the product label.
Step 4. Select SN or Device ID and enter the corresponding SN or Device ID. Select the site to add the device, and click Apply.
Step 5. If the device is not initialized, continue the step to complete the initialization. If the device is already initialized, skip this step.
Step 6. Done.
Step 1. Log in to the VIGI Cloud VMS web portal (, select the site and go to the Devices page.
Step 2. Click Add and select the Import mode.
Step 3. Get the device’s SN or Device ID from the product label.
Step 4. Download the template and enter the devices’ SN or Device ID in the template. Select the site to add devices, and upload the completed template.
Step 5. If the device is not initialized, continue the step to complete the initialization. If the device is already initialized, skip this step.
Step 6. Done.
You have now successfully added VIGI devices to the VIGI Cloud VMS.
Get to know more details of each function and configuration please go to Download Center to download the manual of your product.
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