下載 HS300
Quick Tips: How to Link your Kasa Account to Google Assistant
This video will show you how to how to link your Kasa Account to Google Assistant for voice control.
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Quick Tips: How to Link your Kasa Account to Amazon Alexa
This video will show you how to how to link your Kasa Account to Google Assistant for voice control.
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How to Setup Smart Actions in the TP-Link Kasa App
This video will show you how to Setup the Smart Actions feature in the Kasa App.
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Quick Tips - How to Create A schedule in the Kasa App
This video will show you how to create a schedule for the device in the Kasa App.
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Quick Tips - How to Change your Time zone in the Kasa App
This video will show you how to set your time zone in the Kasa App.
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Quick Tips - How to Create a Group in the Kasa App
This video will show you how to create a group of devices in the Kasa App.
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- 為什麼我會收到「我們注意到有新的登入」的電子郵件?
- 如何在Tapo 和 Kasa App上設定通知功能
- How secure are Tapo devices?
- 如何使用 Tapo App 中的家庭功能與房間功能
- 什麼是 TP-Link ID 以及如何建立 TP-Link ID?
- What types of loads can the Tapo/Kasa plug support?
- 更改或重置路由器後,Tapo/Kasa 設備顯示離線。
- What should I do if the smart plug or smart switch cannot turn on/off the appliance properly?
- 為什麼我無法在Kasa APP上啟用遠端管理?
- What to do if schedule/timer/away mode not working properly for Tapo/Kasa smart Plug/Switch/Bulb/Light Strip
- Common questions about Schedule Timer Away mode of Smart Home devices
- 如何解除雲端帳戶與智慧裝置的綁定?
- 如何查看Tapo攝影機網路連接的穩定性?
- 無法使用 Tapo/Kasa App 控制我的智慧型設備該怎麼辦?
- 在註冊雲端帳戶或重設密碼時,我沒有收到E-mail
- What is the purpose of the circuit breaker on the Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Power Strip?
- Can a HS300 be plugged into a power strip, another surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)?
- TP-Link 智慧插座和智慧交換器的常見問題
- 如果我的 Kasa 設備(智慧插頭、智慧照明)不斷失去連接或離線,我該怎麼辦?
- 設定 Kasa 設備失敗怎麼辦?
- 如何將 Kasa 設備添加到 Tapo App
- 為什麼 TP-Link 需要我的電子郵件地址?
- 如何在Tapo APP中將我的智慧設備(智慧攝影機,智慧插座,智慧燈泡)移除?
- 為什麼我無法註冊呢?
- 讓您的帳戶更安全:為 Kasa App 帶入雙重驗證 (2FA)
- 該如何在KASA App 中找到您的智慧家庭設備的韌體版本呢?
- 如何在Kasa app上更新智慧家庭設備的韌體?
- 如何在KASA APP調整時間設定?
- What should I do if my smart plug feels warm?
- How to make wireless password visible and continue the configuration of Smart Devices in Kasa App
- 電力監控的常見問答
- How do I move my Kasa device to a different wireless network?
- Common question about HS300
- Can I replace the fuses in my surge protector?
- What is clamping voltage or VPR (voltage protection rating) on a surge protector?
- What is a power surge/spike and how can a surge protector help?
- Why do you need surge protection?