Завантажити для Deco X60(2-pack)
Model and hardware version availability varies by region. Please refer to your TP-Link regional website to determine product availability.
Vx.x0=Vx.x6/Vx.x8/Vx.x9 (eg:V1.20=V1.26/V1.28/V1.29)
Vx.30=Vx.32/Vx.33 (eg:V3.30=V3.32/V3.33)
Vx.x0=Vx.x6/Vx.x8/Vx.x9 (eg:V1.20=V1.26/V1.28/V1.29)
Vx.30=Vx.32/Vx.33 (eg:V3.30=V3.32/V3.33)
- Огляд продукту
- Керівництво
- How to change the owner account on Deco APP
- How to set up QoS on the Deco
- What can I do if the Deco app isn't working properly
- The internet connection is unstable or suddenly stops working when connected to the Deco network?
- Як дізнатися IP-адресу маршрутизатора TP-Link?
- How to set up Deco to work in Access Point mode
- How to log into the web-based interface of my Deco
- Скільки пристроїв Deco я можу додати в свою домашню мережу?
- How to install and activate Avira Prime after you subscribe Homeshield Total Security Package
- Deco Setup Walkthrough(For Deco X20/X60/X90/P9/M4/S4/E4/W2400 etc)
- Загальні питання щодо функції Ethernet Backhaul на вашому Deco
- Frequently asked questions about TP-Link Home Mesh Wi-Fi
- Why are my Deco units/clients showing offline on Deco App?
- What’s the difference between Access Point mode and Router mode on the Deco?
- How to configure Address Reservation on a Deco
- Encountering an Error When Adding a Deco
- Не вдалося налаштувати основну Deco
- What should I do if I failed to update my Deco?
- Як оновити прошивку на Deco?
- How to Configure IPTV function on Deco
- How to Configure PPTP/L2TP VPN Connection on the Deco
- How to set up Port Forwarding feature on the Deco
- How to extend guest network when there is a switch between Decos
- How to set up a Guest Network for Deco
- How many Deco units do I need? Are they all the same?
- How to change the Wireless Settings on your Deco app
- How to Configure MAC Clone on Deco if Deco fails to connect to the internet
- Why did I receive a new device connection alert when a known device joined the network?
- How do I know which Deco my client is connected to?
- Cannot detect or find the wireless signal of Wi-Fi6/Wi-Fi6E/Wi-Fi7 products(Router/Range Extender/Deco)
- Як знайти найкраще місцерозташування для Deco?
- Cannot connect to Deco Wi-Fi
- How does QoS influence the real-time data flow of the Deco?
- Як під'єднати додатковий пристрій Deco до вашої інсуючої мережі Deco.
- How to Create a New Network in the Deco App
- What should I do if I cannot open a website through Deco network?
- How can I reset or reboot my Deco Whole-Home Wi-Fi System?
- How to configure the Connection Alerts feature on the Deco app
- How to find the firmware version of Deco
- How to change the name of the client on the Deco app
- How to change the device name of Deco
- How to set up an IPv6 internet connection on my Deco
- How to change LAN IP address of Deco
- Як змінити налаштування DNS-сервера на моєму Deco?
- Як заблокувати пристрій або видалити його з чорного списку?
- LED feature of Deco
- Як використовувати функцію "Автоматичні дії" в програмі Deco?
- How to change Notification settings of Deco
- What’s the difference between an owner account and a manager account?
- Що таке система Deco Wi-Fi та як вона працює?
- General questions about the AI-Driven Mesh feature
- Як налаштувати Deco?
- Why my clients don't roam/connect to the nearest Deco node?
- Як настроїти Deco з існуючим модемом?
- General question about the Wi-Fi range of Deco
- Fail to log into the web management page of Deco
- Why is a device displayed as an unknown device on the Deco app?
- What should I do if Wi-Fi calling cannot work through TP-Link wireless router?
- Покрокове підключення до Інтернету при налаштуванні Deco?
- Чи можу я використовувати Deco з наявним маршрутизатором?
- How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal
- What are the differences between different models of Deco?
- Is it normal that my Deco feels warm?
- Can my printer join a Deco network?
- Why my clients fail to connect to the Deco Wi-Fi when Fast Roaming is enabled?
- What do the different LED colors meaning of Deco?
- Why Deco's WiFi is showing Internet May Not Be Available on my mobile device when standing next to the Deco unit?