Awards | TP-Link United Kingdom


    • Budget Buy

      Budget Buy

      TD-W8961ND received "Budget Buy" awards from Expert Reviews in UK

      2011, UK
    • Buy It

      Buy It

      TL-W8950ND wins 'Buy It' Award from Computer Active magazine

      2010, UK
    • PC Advisor

      PC Advisor

      TD-W8950ND gains "BestBuy" award from PC Advisor in UK

      2010, UK
    • Computer Shopper

      Computer Shopper

      TL-WR741ND wins "Budget Buy" awards from Computer Shopper in UK

      2010, UK
    • Expert Reviews

      Expert Reviews

      TL-PA201KIT receives "Budget Buy" awards from Expert Reviews in UK

      2010, UK
    • Computer Shopper

      Computer Shopper

      TL-PA201KIT receives "Budget Buy" awards from Computer Shopper in UK

      2010, UK
    • Expert Reviews

      Expert Reviews

      TL-WR741ND wins "Budget Buy" awards from Expert Reviews in UK

      2010, UK
    • Expert Reviews

      Expert Reviews

      TD-W8950ND receives "Budget Buy" awards from Expert Reviews in UK

      2010, UK
    • PC Format

      PC Format

      TP-Link TD-W8910G won "Best Quality/Price" of PC Format

      2007, POLAND
    • PCPOP


      TL-WR541G won "the Editors´ Choice" of PCPOP

      2007, China
    • Computer Shopper

      Computer Shopper

      TL-WR642G won " Best Budget Buy" award from UK Computer Shopper

      2007, UK

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