Descarga para DS1008X
IMPORTANTE : la disponibilidad del modelo y la versión de hardware varía según la región. Consulte su sitio web regional de TP-Link para determinar la disponibilidad del producto.
- Product Overview
- How do I know the type of my Omada switch?
- What should I do if I forget my Omada switch’s login username or password?
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre Switch no administrable
- What are the differences in features and application scenarios among various serial switches?
- What can I do if my PC is not working when it’s connected to the Unmanaged Switch by cable?
- What can I do if the speed is slow when the PC is connected to the unmanaged switch?
- What can I do if the Ethernet LED indicators on the Unmanaged Switch are off?
- How to test the Jumbo Frame pass-through feature on TP-Link switches
- How to configure 802.1Q VLAN on TP-Link Easy Smart/Unmanaged Pro Switches