Recent updates may have expanded access to feature(s) discussed in this FAQ. Visit your product's support page, select the correct hardware version for your device and check either the Datasheet or the firmware section for the latest improvements added to your product.
automation allows you to set interactions between your devices by adding triggers and actions.
for example, when you arrive home or when your smartphone is connected to the deco network (which is a trigger), the living room plug automatically turns on (which is an action). then the kettle plugged into the living room plug will start to boil water.
follow the steps below to add automation for your devices.
note: features available in deco may vary by model and software version. all steps and images described here are only examples and may not reflect your actual deco experience.
1. open the deco app. swipe up and tap the smart module.
2. tap + and select add automation.
3. tap add trigger, then set a time or device trigger to activate this automation.
4. tap add action, then set action details to be executed when triggered.
5. name the automation.
now the automation will be executed when triggered.
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