- Jun.2006
- 16
TL-SG2224WEB 榮獲 PC MAGAZINE 的編輯推薦獎
在 PC MAGAZINE 的 PC LAB 中國實驗室所進行的純 Gigabit 交換器特別測試中, PC MAGAZINE 以 TP-Link 的 24 埠的網管型純 Gigabit 交換器 TL-SG2224WEB 有令人信服的實驗室測試數據、簡單的網頁式管理、高品質與具競爭力的價格等原因,授予編輯推薦獎。
在此純 Gigabit 乙太網路交換器測試中, PC LABS 中國實驗室實作了 8 部 layer-2 純 Gigabit 交換器,包括功能、效能、前端資料、位址學習、廣播轉送以及延遲和錯誤封包篩選。在 8 個機型中, TP-Link 的 24 埠網管型純 Gigabit 交換器 (TL-SG2224WEB) 獲得 PC MAGAZINE 的稱讚:「 TP-Link 的 TL-SG2224WEB 是提供中文圖片和管理介面的兩個機型之一,同時它支援 VLAN 區塊、連接埠隔離、以連接埠為基礎的 ACL 以及 MAC 。這個交換器適合沒有專業網路管理員的小型 LAN 使用者,同時它不需要有複雜的控制功能。這容易管理的交換器有高品質和具競爭力的價格,值得推薦。」
Below is the original text to the evaluation of TL-SG2224WEB from PC LABS China Lab.
Merit: Chinese Language WEB management, easy to use, high quality with competitive price.
TL-SG2224WEB is a pure-gigabit Ethernet switch with WEB management. It provides 24 10/100/1000M auto-negotiation RJ-45 ports. Additionally it is designed with 2 1000M SFP expandable interfaces. It provides WEB management functions in Chinese language interface so that users can carry out the configuration to the switch conveniently.
In throughput test, this switch can realize 1000M all wire rate forwarding for the three kinds of data frames selected by us which are 64, 512 and 1518. It has very short forward delay that is within 3s when we try the above three kinds of testing frames in store-and-forward mode. This switch passed congestion control test smoothly. Even when there is some congestion occurred in some port, other ports can still work in a normal way.
Security is always considered to be one of the most important factors when network equipments are used. TL-SG2224WEB supports Port VLAN, Tag VLAN and MTU VLAN which can enhance data security by efficiently limiting broadcast domain, preventing virus from accessing through such way and segmenting work group conveniently. It will reduce much trouble to network administrator if the switch device has some error-detect function. TL-SG2224WEB is a switch with VCT built-in which enables users to detect directly the work status of network cable. For example, it can detect if there is any link down and where the link is down, etc. This will avoid any misjudgement to the switch´s work status due to network cable problem.
TL-SG2224WEB also supports port-mirror function which can help network administrator to monitor the network and detect the network problem. And it supports MAC address management and static MAC address table which enables administrator to manage different kinds of users and enhance the network control.
Testing Result:
Throughput (Fully Mesh) |
(1000Mbps wire rate %) |
64 |
100.00̣ |
512 |
100.00 |
1518 |
100.00 |
Latency (under maximum throughput) |
LILO First In First Out |
64(µs)̣ |
3.19 |
512(µs)̣ |
6.93 |
1518(µs)̣ |
14.92 |
LIFO Store-and-Forward |
64(µs)̣ |
2.61 |
512(µs)̣ |
2.78 |
1518(µs)̣ |
2.72 |
Error Frame Filtering |
UnderSize frame |
63byte |
pass |
Error Frame |
CRC check sum |
pass |
OverSize Frame |
1523byte |
fail |
Congestion Control |
64 |
pass |
512 |
pass |
1518 |
pass |
Broadcast forwarding |
Throughput |
64 |
100.00 |
512 |
100.00 |
1518 |
100.00 |
Latency |
64 |
2.2 |
512 |
2.23 |
1518 |
2.21 |
Address Learning rate |
Testing Result:
Throughput (Fully Mesh) (1000Mbps wire rate %) 64 100.00̣ 512 100.00 1518 100.00 Latency (under maximum throughput) LILO First In First Out 64(µs)̣ 3.19 512(µs)̣ 6.93 1518(µs)̣ 14.92 LIFO Store-and-Forward 64(µs)̣ 2.61 512(µs)̣ 2.78 1518(µs)̣ 2.72 Error Frame Filtering UnderSize frame 63byte pass Error Frame CRC check sum pass OverSize Frame 1523byte fail Congestion Control 64 pass 512 pass 1518 pass Broadcast forwarding Throughput 64 100.00 512 100.00 1518 100.00 Latency 64 2.2 512 2.23 1518 2.21 Address Learning rate
Throughput (Fully Mesh) |
(1000Mbps wire rate %) |
64 |
100.00̣ |
512 |
100.00 |
1518 |
100.00 |
Latency (under maximum throughput) |
LILO First In First Out |
64(µs)̣ |
3.19 |
512(µs)̣ |
6.93 |
1518(µs)̣ |
14.92 |
LIFO Store-and-Forward |
64(µs)̣ |
2.61 |
512(µs)̣ |
2.78 |
1518(µs)̣ |
2.72 |
Error Frame Filtering |
UnderSize frame |
63byte |
pass |
Error Frame |
CRC check sum |
pass |
OverSize Frame |
1523byte |
fail |
Congestion Control |
64 |
pass |
512 |
pass |
1518 |
pass |
Broadcast forwarding |
Throughput |
64 |
100.00 |
512 |
100.00 |
1518 |
100.00 |
Latency |
64 |
2.2 |
512 |
2.23 |
1518 |
2.21 |
Address Learning rate |