如何透過 Tether App 新增 EasyMesh 衛星設備

更新02-05-2025 08:43:58 AM Number of views for this article18399

TP-Link EasyMesh Archer 路由器在 Tether App 上新增了 EasyMesh 功能。在此功能的支援下,您可以透過Tether App新增衛星設備。這裡我們以Archer AX55為例。

您可以將手機連接主要設備的Wi-Fi並啟動Tether App,登入主設備點擊更多->EasyMesh->新增衛星設備,選擇您的衛星設備類型,然後按照Tether App上的步驟新增衛星設備。

Tap the target main router on My Devices page for login.Tap More option on Tether App.

Display EasyMesh page on Tether App.Tap Add Satellite Devices button option on EasyMesh page.

案例 1. 新增 TP-Link 衛星路由器

步驟 1。將衛星路由器放置於主設備附近。確保衛星路由器處於出廠狀態,您可能需要先重置它,然後繼續下一步。

Select the type of satellite devices as TP-Link Router. Power on the satellite router. Press the reset button on the satellite router to restore its factory settings.


Wait for the main device to search for the satellite router. Display the satellite devices that the main device found.


Select the customized name for the satellite device. Wait for the satellite device to be added to the EasyMesh network. Display that the satellite is added to the EasyMesh network.

步驟 4完成!您可以重新擺放衛星設備並享受 EasyMesh 網路。

Display the recommeded position of satellite device. Tap Complete to finish the setup process.


案例 2. 新增 TP-Link 訊號延伸器

步驟 1。將訊號延伸器放置於主設備附近。請確保您的訊號延伸器支援 EasyMesh 並且 EasyMesh 已啟用。

Select the type of satellite devices as TP-Link Extender. Prepare for satellite device pairing.

步驟 2。按下主裝置和訊號延伸器上的 WPS 按鈕,然後點擊我已按下 WPS 按鈕,等待幾分鐘進行裝置配對。

Display where the WPS button is located. Wait for the satellite device to be added to the EasyMesh network.

步驟3完成!請享受您的 EasyMesh 網路。

Tap Complete to finish the setup process.



Select the type of satellite devices as Other. Power on and switch the satellite device to the Satellite mode.


Display where the WPS button is located. Wait for the satellite device to be added to the EasyMesh network.

步驟3完成!請享受您的 EasyMesh 網路。

Tap Complete to finish the setup process.




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